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Dominick's pov

I watched Arianna's breathing level out as she peacefully slept. I'm surprised that after less than a few months we've said 'I love you It was normal without the feeling of it being awkward.

I kissed her forehead as she yawned. "Let's get cleaned up okay?" I asked.

"Mhm," she hums tiredly.

I slid on some shorts and picked Arianna up. I started the water and let it run till it was at a normal temperature. I placed her into the bath and bathed her. Once I finished I put a shirt onto her so she could sleep for the night. I took my shower and put on some shorts and laid with her and went to sleep.

Arianna's pov

I woke up earlier than Daddy and his arm was caging me in. I tried to lift his arm to get out of his grip but it didn't work. I was bored so I just went back to sleep. The second time I woke up there was a big wet spot under me. I started to cry cause I couldn't anything and I was soaked.

"Daddy wake up," I whispered.


"Dadddyyyyy please wake up," I said.

"Dadddyyyy!" I whined.

"What princess? What's the problem?" he asked

"I p-peed myself." I cried.

"Oh no let's get you cleaned up," he said concerningly.

"You no mad?" I asked.

"Of course not everyone makes mistakes. Besides, it's an easy fix no reason to make it more than it has to be. Although if it happens again then we might have to try diapers." he said.

"Oh okay," I mumbled.

He put me into the tub and let me play with my rubber duckies for a bit. After a bit, he bathed me and wrapped me up in a towel. He went to the closet and grabbed me some clothes.

He dressed me in a plain black crop top and some leggings. He sat me on his hip and went out of the room.

"Princess I wanna show you a fun room," he said.

"Okay," I said.

He went upstairs to the room next to his office and opened the door. It was a huge and nice playroom. It had lots of toys. a coloring table, and a lot more stuff.

"I wuv it, daddy!" I said.

"I'm glad you do princess. Now I have to do some work you think you can be good and play in here by yourself," he said.

"Mhm, I can," I said already coloring.

He chuckled and kissed me on my forehead.

Dominick's pov

I went back to my room and put on a black v-neck and black pants. I went down to the basement so we could work.

"We have good news and bad news," Gage said.

"Give me the bad news." I sighed.

"Bad news the Salvatores got into our shipments again," he said.

"And the good," I said.

"We have one for you to question," Talon said.

"In the cell?" I asked.

"Yes he is," he said.

"Perfect I've been itching to kill these motherfuckers." I said walking in.

"I'm not saying shit so you can go ahead a leave." the prisoner said.

"You think you have a lot of say for someone tied up," I said.

"How's your slut doing?" he asked.

"What the fuck did you just say?"I asked.

"I think I said how's that whore of yours doing," he said in a condescending tone.

I grabbed a knife a stabbed it through his hand. I listen to him scream in pain as I just stood there.

"You wanna try that shit again. Where the fuck is Jamison hiding?" I yelled.

"He's hiding ---- in your slut." he said.

He started to laugh before I threw a jab at his face. I wrapped my hand around his neck getting agitated.

"Say one more fucking word about her and you'll have a bullet in your head.

"Might as well," he said.

"We've actually have been watching her. Sadly you got her before we could. Jackson has been missing her. Is her pussy as good as he says?" he said.

I don't know what happened after that, but I definitely let my anger take over. I was throwing punches and jabs left and right. Over and over till the dude's face was bloody and knuckles matching.

Leo came running in trying to push me off him. I pushed him away and kept on. I could hear them yelling but didn't care to comprehend a thing. Next time I know Leo, Talon, and Sin are pulling me off and out of the cell.

"What the fuck is wrong with you. We can't get answers if you kill him," he said shoving me.

"He keeps talking about Arianna. He's pushing my fucking buttons. I'm so fucking sick of it." I said.

"We know man but we have to play this right and you going incredible hulk doesn't help," he said.

"Go take your fucking pills." Sin said.

"No, I'm done with those drugs," I said. He knows better than anyone to test me on those. They just have a history of fucking me over.

"Then go take a fucking nap or something," he said.

"Sin don't be an ass," Talon said.

"You know, how about Talon takes over the interrogation and you come back to kill him cause you aren't in the right mental state," Leo said.

"Whatever," I said.

I went to the bathroom and washed my hand clean of the blood. Then changed out of my dirty clothes. I went to Arianna's playroom to check on her and found that she was sleeping.

Before I was able to leave I heard her whine. "Daddy?" she asked.

"Yes, princess?" I asked.

"Cuddle," she said.

I walked over to the couch and laid her on me. I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her cheek.

"I love you, princess," I said.

"I wuv you too daddy," she said.

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