you and me forever

Start from the beginning

he lives between london and LA, currently most of his time is in LA as he is recording his second album. midnight memories. its a completely different style of music from his first album.

we all enjoy it, emmas quite the fan actually. if shes screaming and crying, nialls singing calms her down. she definitely has favourites.

"what your wearing is perfect" niall spoke as he helped me out of my gown.

black jeans and a red floral button up... which was really buttoned up. i was tossed a white bandana to tie around my curls. thankfully it matched the shirt, making the small whites of the flowers pop more.

"where are we even going?" i asked getting into nialls mercedes which isnt a rental this time. he tsked at me not telling me.

i ended up falling a sleep even though the car ride wasnt that long. when i woke up i saw louis standing outside of a familiar building.

"come on harold, go see him" ni unbuckled my seatbelt for me. i got out and louis immediately came up and kissed me.

i had grown taller over the few years which meant lower seemed shorter than he was when i first started dating him, i find it incredibly cute.

"hi baby" he whispered out of the kiss. niall lead us inside. i remembered exactly what this place was. there were few people, mainly nurses walking around with carts.

some people who looked like teachers said hello to louis, we waved back. niall had left us as he said he was doing a small meet in greet with a few therapy groups.

we entered one of the back room. it was privatel, small and quiet. "the program?" i whispered.

"thought we would come back and visit, they made us dinner" he smiled. "well i did, they lemme use the kitchen"

louis had come back to visit this place a few times every month, helps out here sometimes. hes getting a degree is psychology so when they asked him if he wanted to help with group therapy he gladly accepted.

"harry!" another familiar voice called. i turned to the door of the room to face briana. "foods here" she smiled placing to plates down on the table. there were some candles lining the shelves of the room.

"great to see what you did with my old room" bri laughed, she gave me and lou a quick hug before leaving again. "soooo why are we here... with all this?"

"sit" lou said pulling out my chair. i immediately sat, him following. "chicken stuff with mozzarella, wrapped in parma ham with a side of homemade mash" he did some hand gestures which some how made me fall more in love with him.

"and am i not aloud to surprise my boyfriend with a celebratory dinner after he just graduated?"

"i suppose you can" i smiled. we ate and talked about so many things. what im doing went i get to uni, im going to the local one in donny as well.

we wouldve been in some fancy restaurant if he didnt have group therapy in an hour in a half. "were you that nervous during your grad?"

"very, but you didnt have to give a speech." he placed his hand on top of mine. "still lou! im officially done with prison"

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