"Whoa, look at you!" JJ laughed as the twins crawled onto our laps.

"Jennifer I have something really important to show you."

"Oh? What's that?" JJ's eyebrows raised.

"I losted a tooth."

"You lost a tooth?" I gasped, smiling widely. "That's so cool Lilly!"

"I wasn't telling you. I was telling Jennifer." she said matter of factly, turning back to face my girlfriend as I gasped in fake hurt. "I losted a tooth, Jennifer!"

"Did you put it under your pillow?"

"Ya-huh. I got five dollars."

"Five dollars?!" JJ feigned surprise. "That's amazing!"

"Mama and daddy helped me put it into my piggy bank. Can I showed you my piggy bank?"

"Of course you can!"

JJ and I shared a look as Lilly pulled her off of the couch, leading her upstairs. Chloe snuggled into my lap, resting her head in the crook of my shoulder. I rubbed her back as the boys came back downstairs, letting her take a nap on me while they played video games on the Switch they had recently gotten. They had already changed out of their costumes, which was smart. Chloe was going to need help, which is why I'm presuming she hadn't taken her costume off yet. Either that or she just really liked it. It was soft, I'd give her that. JJ came back down with Lilly, who was dressed in her Frozen Pajamas and went to the kitchen, JJ shooting me a smile as she saw Chloe curled up on my lap. I picked her up and walked into the kitchen, maneuvering her onto one hip as I helped JJ prepare lunch for the kids. We went with grilled cheese, JJ taking care of that while I put grapes and celery on their plates. I doubted they would eat it, since all they cared about this time of year was the candy, but it was worth a shot. Chloe shifted and dug her face into the crook of my neck, letting out a little whimper as she started to wake up. She shimmied out of my arms and went to the table, sitting down next to Lilly.

"Alright, we got some grilled cheese today with a side of grapes and celery!"

The kids dug in, and JJ came to stand next to me by the sink as I washed the pans we had used. She bumped me with her hip lightly and I chuckled, splashing her with the soapy water. She lightly tapped me with the towel as she dried herself off, smirking at me. I knew she had so many thoughts that we couldn't act on going through her mind right now, and I simply smiled at her in return. We sent the kids off to do their homework in the living room, leaving the two of us in the kitchen.

"Do you know when your brother and Kristy are going to be home?"

"No. Not at all." I sighed. "Kristy won't answer her texts, and Matt's on a plane back from Ireland last I checked."

"Fun. We get the kids today. I just wanted you." she pouted.

"Please baby, you'll get me later." I placed a kiss on her lips. "And besides, they love you- they're going to have a blast with us this afternoon."

"Yeah, they will."

I finished cleaning the kitchen from lunch time, JJ going out into the living room to check on the kids. I smiled as I cleaned off the table, watching her interact with them. Even though they weren't her own, she treated them like they were and it was absolutely beautiful. It was one of my favorite things, watching her interact with them. She was so sweet and gentle, and I could tell that she definitely would make a great mom someday. I couldn't wait to see her running around with our future children, helping them with their homework or playing with them in the backyard. Wait... our children? When did my brain go there? I shook my head, turning back to the table and putting the placemats back. I couldn't believe that I let my mind already go to us being together in the future. I mean, sure, our bond was strong now, but I couldn't automatically assume that we were going to stay together long enough to get married. I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind, reminding myself to go deal with them later. I heard some keys jingle in the front door and Kristy walked in, smiling as she saw JJ helping the kids in the living room. I walked out of the kitchen, bringing her in for a hug.

She went upstairs to change real quick while the kids worked on the last of their homework, me sitting down on the couch with JJ. The kids were pretty much done, and all they had to do was put everything away at this point, but who knew how long that was going to take. Kristy came back down and sent the kids to go play, taking the time to catch up with us. We told her everything that happened, since Matt had told her I had to meet with the Dean and she was freaking out about it. She gave me a look when she realized that I had to withdraw from the class, and I promised her that I would take it at the local community college to make up for it. Besides that, she seemed pretty happy that we were finally together and promised JJ that she would make sure that I actually took the class.I couldn't help but chuckle, knowing that JJ would be on my ass about it as well. And thankfully I was dating someone who was very well versed in the information in that class, and I happened to have half a semester of Technical Communications under my belt. JJ ran her hand up and down my side as we continued to talk to Kristy, filling her in on what was happening in Richmond, her filling us in on everything that was happening here. The kids finished their homework and we helped them put everything away, sending them off to the family room to play a board game while we talked.

My phone buzzed with a text from an unknown number, startling me.

[3:45pm-unknown] Hi, this is Luke Alvez. Matt told me you were in town this weekend, do you want to come meet the team?

I squealed, startling both JJ and Kristy.

"Sorry, Luke just texted me. He asked me if I wanted to meet the team."

"Oh my god! Are you going to say yes?"

"Of course I am. Duh!" I playfully kicked Kristy. "Are you gonna be okay staying here? She can stay here, right?"

"I think we're past the point of asking if your girlfriend can stay while you're out, Y/N." Kristy smiled. "She can stay."

"Okay good. I'm gonna tell him yeah."

[3:48pm] hi luke! i'd love to come meet everyone if you guys are in town :) i'm here till sunday afternoon!

"I can't believe it, you actually are going to be on the FBI!"

"I know. I'm coming home the day of my last final so I can go fill out the paperwork and be ready to work by January. And I talked to my advisor about switching online, and she's okay with it."

"That's good." JJ smiled. "What are you gonna do when you're not here?"

"Well, I'll be in Quantico, I'd hope. Or with the team, wherever we may be. I promise to come visit as much as I can."

"You better. The kids are going to kill me if we let you work close to home and you don't visit them."

"I was talking to my girlfriend, but you guys are in the mix too." I joked, leaning into JJ's side. "I guess I can come visit my family."

"Wow, I see how it is." Kristy joked back, smiling. "Don't even want to visit your own family."

"Puh-lease, do you really think I'd forget about you?"

We talked for a little bit more until Matt got home, and he looked absolutely worse for wear. I audibly gasped as I saw him, and rushed to his side. Kristy wasn't that far behind me, and I stared at him as he set his go bag down.

"I'm fine, guys. Just a tough unsub."

"You have a butterfly bandage on your face and you're covered in bruises." Kristy pointed out. "Come on, I'm gonna draw you a bath. Y.N, can you guys watch the kids?"

"We got this."

Kristy took Matt upstairs, leaving me and JJ alone in the living room. We shared a look, and looked back at the kids who were in the family room fighting over a board game. This was going to be an interesting night.

The Way You Make Me Feel [ J.J ]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon