"Do you want to go with the boys or to the hospital with Darcy? It's up to you" he said looking at me completely ignoring Darcy.

"I'll take her, you go and I can meet up with you guys later" I said. He nodded. He gave a kiss to me and Darcy.

"I have to go. Text me updates please" he said to me. "Feel better. I hope nothing is broken" he said to Darcy before he left.

"Go get dressed we are going to the ER now" I said.

"Fine but only if Cassidy can come with us" she negotiated.

"Fine" I said not wanting to fight with her.

I helped her up to her room so she could get dressed. Cassidy and her met me downstairs. I noticed how bad it hurt her to walk. So I gave her a piggyback ride to the car. Freddie was gonna stay home with Anne and Gemma. He was probably gonna have a better time with them anyways.

When we arrived at the ER I had to carry Darcy in. They gave her a wheelchair to get an X-ray while Cassidy and I waited in the room. I was glad Cassidy came because she was keeping me company. After about 20 minutes of waiting Darcy came back in with the doctor.

"It's a minor break in her ankle" the doctor said. "So she will get a cast and has to be on crutches for a minimum of six weeks. Darcy cannot put any weight on it either."

"What about traveling?" I asked, "Because we are going home in two days. We live in America."

"She can travel. Just get in touch with her primary care doctor there. I can give you all the records from today" the doctor said.

"Darn it" Darcy said all mad.

"What color do you want?" She asked Darcy.

"Pink" Darcy responded.

After she got her cast and crutches we went out to the car. Somehow people had found us at the hospital. They asked for photos but I had to say no because I had to help Darcy. I normally don't say no because it makes me feel bad. I helped Darcy into the car and put her crutches next to her in the backseat. I got in the car and called Harry.

On the phone

"Hey Babe" he answered.

"Hey Haz your on speaker so the girls can hear you. Anyway Darcy has a minor break in her ankle so she got a cast and is on crutches for the next 6 weeks" I said.

"Oh no! What color cast did you get Darc?" he asked.

"Pink" she yelled from the backseat.

"Nice" he said.

"Do you guys want ice cream?" I asked pulling into an ice cream drive through. They both said yes. I told Harry to wait a minute while I ordered the ice cream. I got them both peanut butter cup ice cream. I also got myself a small mint chocolate chip ice cram.

"I want ice cream too" Harry said.

"I'm the one with the broken ankle" Darcy said.

"And I'm moral support" Cassidy said.

"And I drove and bought it so" I added laughing.

"I got to go. See you guys soon" Harry said.

"Ok we are almost there. Bye" I said hanging up.

Darcy's POV

When we got to the place where the interview was going to take place. I saw a bunch of people outside the gate. Dad got out of the car and opened my door to help me out. It was so embarrassing. He helped me to the door and went inside. Daddy walked over to us.

"I like it" he said smiling.

"Thank you. I want a wheelchair so I can finish my ice cream" I said laughing. Dad was holding my ice cream. There were no promises he wouldn't eat it. Daddy took my ice cream from him and had a bite. "Hey, that's mine" I yelled. He laughed. Cassidy was eating hers next to me. I went over to a chair and sat down. Daddy handed me my ice cream so I could finish it.

"Can you get me a sharpie? I want people to sign my cast" I said to my dad. He walked away and came back with a sharpie. I have no idea how he got one so fast. Cassidy signed first then my dads and my uncles.

They had to do an interview after they signed it. About 5 minutes into the interview the guy said, "So when did you guys start dating?" to my dads.

"Well um we started dating on the X factor. Then um we got married soon after I found out about Freddie. Then, we had the twins a few months later" Dad said.

"So the twins are biologically yours or are they adopted?" he asked.

"That's a bit private and we are here to talk about the reunion" dad said, "But yes they are biologically one of ours."

"Sorry. Let's get back to the reunion discussion" the interviewer apologized.

We don't actually know which one of our dads is our biological dad. They both contributed to a surrogate but only one of them can be our biological one. They don't want to know and we don't either. But we have thought about which one is. I think dad is our biological dad because twins are genetic and he has two sets of twin siblings. But Cassidy thinks Daddy is our biological dad because her hair is identical to daddy's when it was long. No one in dads family has that kind of curly hair.

After the interview we went back to Grandma Anne's house. When I got inside she sat me on the couch and put the TV on for me. We had a few hours until Uncle James' show so we all relaxed. Everyone helped me with everything which I hated. Dad knew how much I hated it so he just laughed.

The Stylinson Familyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें