Star-throwing Killer

Start from the beginning

With all the questions being shouted at me, only one caught my attention.

"Mr. Mayor, do you support the Green Arrow?" I clenched my fists and gave a smile. "I'm grateful for what he has done for this city."

I pointed to a reporter. "Do we know who the Green Arrow is? And if we catch him, will you sentence him to prison or will you let him walk free?"

"That decision has not been made yet, and since is he not in our custody, it's not my biggest priority."

Another reporter spoke. "Are you the Green Arrow?"

My head whipped towards him and the whole room went quiet. The quietest I've ever heard. "As I've said, multiple times. I am not the Green Arrow. The SCPD has questioned me, and brought me in multiple times. I have been proven to not be the Green Arrow. No more questions about me, please."

"When is the Church trial taking place?" Someone asked.

"Church's trial will be held in a couple of weeks."

I was going to pick one more question to answer and the reporters all stood up, shouting their questions hoping I'll pick them. But I decided to pick a petite lady who was sitting calmly in the back. "You in the back, yes, you."

The woman smiled and stood up, "Mr. Mayor, this isn't most related to the rest of these questions but how have you been dealing with the new murders?"


"There have been multiple murders lately, all of the same M.O as the Green Arrow. Murdered by an arrow. But others are with ninja stars. Some people have been calling him the Star-Throwing Killer. Do you think the Green Arrow has changed his signature weapon to ninja stars?"

My eyebrows furrowed, "That's highly unlikely.

"Maybe it is. But are you saying that there might be another archer? One who murders?"

I hesitated, "That might be so. I will make sure to look into this Star-Throwing Killer, and consult with the SCPD. Thank you."

I left the room, the sounds of cameras increasing as I walked off the podium. Back in my personal office, I sat down in my chair, and I just looked down at my desk, thinking more of this archer. Felicity, Curtis, Rene, Percy, Thea, and Quentin all walked in at the same time.

"I want to know more about that killer," I said before any of them could speak.

Thea nodded and Adrian walked into the room. "I'm guessing you're talking about those murders that reporter was talking about, huh?"


"I can help you look into them if you want, I'll have the papers on your desk in a few hours at the least," he offered and I smiled. "I'd appreciate that."

He spun around to walk out the door when he spotted Percy. He pointed to him and looked at me. "Oh uh. That's my um- nephew. Percy."

Adrian suddenly turned to Thea with a confused look. "Hey, don't look at me! I don't have a kid. I think I'd know if I got pregnant," Theas eyes widened, as if the thought of having a child was a nightmare.

"Well, sorry, I meant he's not actually my nephew, he's the son of a really good family friend of mine. So very close that I call him my nephew." I lied with a smile. I cursed at myself in my head, I've gotten worse and worse at lying over the years.

"Yep!" Percy gave an awkward laugh. "Good ol' Uncle Oliver and Aunt Thea!"

"Right, nice to meet you." He stuck out his hand and Percy gladly shook it. "You too."

He opened the door and he turned towards me once again and mouthed, "He's tall."

I laughed and nodded but Percy was oblivious to what he said. Adrian was right. Percy was very tall. We were around the same height, and I was 6'1". He must've been around 6'0" then, which is very tall for a teenager.

Thea turned to Percy and shook her head, "I know you, don't I? You're Sally Jackson's son! I met you a few day ago at the expo. What are you even doing here?"


"He's the kid I was telling you about," I said.

"Wait, that was you? Oh my god, Oliver wouldn't stop complaining about you, it was insane."

Percy gave me a look, and I ignored it.

"Well at least you guys aren't trying to kill each other anymore. It'll be most appreciated if you didn't do that again," she gave me a look and I frowned. What was she looking at me for?

She left the room with Quentin, and it was just left with us boys and Felicity. "Now what?" Percy asked.

Curtis looked at his watch and cursed. "I got to go, Paul's gonna get angry if I'm late for our date today."

And he ran out of the room.

"Who's Paul?" Percy asked.

"His husband," Felicity answered for him and Percy nodded his head. "Cool."

"Well what're we gonna do now?" Rene spoke.

And we all shrugged but I had an idea in mind. "I don't know about everyone else, but I'm going to go visit John."



But I hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day!! Don't feel bad if you didnt have a Valentine, I literally just stayed home and watched Netflix all day.


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