You never know how a mission is going to go. One of us could get shot and the other one could be on the other side of the warehouse and not make it in time. If either one of us got shot then we both agreed we would want to be together when it happens. The others didn't have to worry about that because they didn't have their significant others, well except Vader and Juan, but Juan made it known he was leading a group and he promised he would lead the group that was only fifty feet away from Vader so they would know if they got shot.

"Twenty men up ahead, Sphinx and Luna." Vesla's voice sounds through the microphone. After she was discharged by Valentina I agreed to let her be a scout in the trees. She is one of my best climbers so she can easily get into a tree with one arm.

Sphinx is Lucas' group. Each group has code names. King and mines' are Phantom, Juan's is Fangs, Vaders' is Wolves, Armando's is Luna, Andres' is Slader, Lucas' is Canine, my father is National. Don't ask me why Juan came up with these names because I don't even bother to ask questions when it comes to what goes on inside his head anymore.

I think he has been dipping too much into my product lately.

"Got it, our eyes are on them." The little whoosh silencers make when the gun goes off is heard to the right of us. Twenty shots, twenty soldiers dead.

"All of them are dead," Armando says into the mic.

"The other fuckers have been alerted," Roxy one of my other scouts growls into the mic. As soon as her words register shouts are heard in Russian.

"Around a hundred men just stormed out, get ready for the bloodbath." Roxy cheers into the mic. She is normally who I have torture people when Kingston isn't around because she is almost as psycho as Kingston.

"Phantom, Canine, and Luna will sneak into the warehouse the rest cover us!" I seethe into the microphone, trying not to shout so the Russian fucks won't hear.

I nod at the twenty soldiers behind me and Kingston and I lead straight to the back of the warehouse. No soldiers were guarding the back entrance. Not a single one.

"What a load of idiots," Vader says to our left as his group emerges from the foliage. Armando appears a second later. "Who the fuck doesn't guard all their entrances?"

"Idiots," Kingston deadpans. Vader just rolls his eyes and flips her off.

"How is it going in the front, Andres?" Armando asks.

"Almost half of them are dead, eight casualties on our side, as of twenty seconds ago, ten more injured, oh make that twelve." Andres pants. "More are coming out. Now is your chance, GO!" And with those words, I kick open the door. We file into the door, each of us positions ourselves behind a crate. Soldiers are running down from the stairs as we shoot them down, giving away our positions. Soldiers appear behind us but my soldiers manage to take them down.

A low groan courses through the gunshots and Kingston whirls around and cries, "Papa!" She ducks bullets and debris as she kneels down next to Armando who has blood leaking out of his bicep. I shoot two more guards before crouching down next to them.

"It's just a graze," He huffs in his thick Spanish accent as she continues to fuss over him. I rip off part of my shirt and hand it to her. She mouths "thank you" before tying the cloth to his arm to try and prevent the bleeding.

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