Twenty Four | 9-1-1 What's Your Emergency

Start from the beginning

The elevator stopped and I stepped out. I paused, a half formed plan springing to my mind.

If I called the police now, they'd be here in about seven or ten minutes - judging from their normal response times and the nearest station - and if I could just stall whoever was up there long enough they'd show up and arrest the attempted murderer. This, of course, happened to rest solely on the fact I'd made my estimations right.

Too early, and I might not have enough evidence, too late and I might be dead.

Shaking my arms out I dialled 911, rehearsing what I was going to say as the phone rang.

"911, what's your emergency?"

Ignoring the operator's request for me to stay on the line after I'd explained everything to them, I hung up, giving a simple excuse that it wasn't safe to stay on, which in a few moments would be true.

I knew this idea was stupid and only half thought out, but if I could put whoever tried to kill me behind bars it would be worth it.

If Peter got hurt because of me, or MJ, or Ned, or May, or Harry, or Aura or anyone else, I couldn't live with myself.

I opened the camera app and started recording just outside the stairs to the roof.

"This is Gwendoline Hardy, age sixteen, I know this is stupid but it's for a good reason." I paused, realising like I sounded as though I was about to die. I could just turn back, but I was already this close, and I'd made the 911 call. I steeled myself and continued, there was no going back now. "A few days ago someone tried to kill me and now I believe they're on the roof of my building. To keep anyone from getting hurt I'm going up to them, hopefully this works." I pushed the door to the stairs open and walked up, steps seeming louder than they were in the enclosed stairwell.

The air was crisp, and a light breeze blew gently through my hair. The sounds of the city floated over the stone barrier about half my height serving to keep people from walking over the edge.

For a moment I debated whether or not to let whoever was up here think I'd been fooled, before I hardened my resolve.

"Hello? Whoever's up here I know it's not Peter." I said, staring around the rooftop.

The door to the stairs was flanked on either side by two large air conditioning units, and on the other side, what must have been a tool shed in former years, now stood neglected. In front of me there was an open space free of metal units. Sandwiched between a metal box about my height and twice as wide and of some sort and a cement block that would have only been useful in reaching the roof of the building next to us - only one story taller but still - stood an old greenhouse with dead plants and gardening equipment inside.

I walked out into the open space of the roof, wondering exactly what most of the metal units did as I waited for a response.

When I got one, it came from behind me and I turned so fast I nearly fell over. "No offense, but I'd hoped you'd died from the little accident with the Astro Tower."

The wave of emotions I'd felt earlier came back ten times larger, nearly driving me to my knees.


She was the one who had tried to kill me.

"Whitney... How, why- why would you do this?" I asked, attempting to make my voice as clear as possible.

"It's all part of the job Gwenny." she said mockingly, smiling as she hopped down from the roof over the stairs.

"Who's job?? Who could make you do this??" I asked, feeling the grip I had on my emotions starting to slip.

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