Chapter 17.

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  Falling asleep was probably the most settling thing I've ever felt after being awake for so long.

  Especially with Harry's arms around me, keeping me warm and giving me comfort, even when I'm asleep.

  He's the cutest human I've ever seen.

  I have no idea what time it is, but it's felt like for twenty minutes I've been staring at him sleeping. He's the most peaceful person while asleep, it's crazy how much I can admire him and never get sick of it.

  I find something new to look at every time.

  How chiseled his jaw is, the shape and tone of it. I knew he had such a good jawline, but i've never looked at it in detail or up close enough to appreciate it, and all the rest of the little things about him.

  The way the end of his lips curl up even when he has the straightest face, it's the most delicate detail yet so important.

  Harry's right here, his lips are inches away, but I still miss every part of him.

  I wrapped my free hand that was around his waist, now on the side of his neck, scratching the skin lightly with my nails. He soon lent into my hand after feeling the scratch, exhaling a breath that indicated he woke up. I gave him a few seconds to adjust where he was, figuring out that he was in my room again.

  His eyes adjusted to the shallow green light that we never turned off, now focusing on his arm that was around my neck, squeezing me into his warm neck.

  I don't think I'll ever get sick of this feeling, Harry's touch. I never want it to end. I keep saying it, but I swear it's so true.

  "Good morning, beautiful." I mumbled to him, looking up from out of his neck to meet his eyes.

  "Good morning, P... What time is it?" He asked as I picked up my phone quickly, checking the time.

  "8:30... I finally got some sleep." I yawned mid conversation.

  "I'm glad... you needed it." He yawned because of me, soon after pulling my closer to him, the comforter covering up to my neck as he re-adjusted it.

  We sat there for probably ten minutes, mumbling little things and just enjoying the morning together.

  The morning after our first kiss.

  It feels so weird to say that.

  But everything feels different, in a good way, though.

  "C'mon P... Let's get up." His raspy tone showed through, making me wanna stay in bed all day. I wanna have him here forever.

  "No." I pouted, compressing myself into him more so he couldn't move.

  "Phoebe. C'mon." His voice is more stern, but I know he's not actually mad.

  "Absolutely not, H. Why can't we just stay like this all day?" I asked. All I wanna do is sleep and cuddle all day. I normally don't feel like this, but I feel like once I get up, the feeling of happiness will be gone just sitting with H.

  "Because we have things to do, and Ashlyn's here too, remember?" He reminded me, absolutely killing my insides because of course I wanna spend time with Ash, just not when Harry kisses me for the first time and completely distracts me now by his lips.

  "I don't wanna." I buried my face back into his neck.

  "Can I bribe you with kisses?" He smiled at me.

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