Chapter 1.

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  I never want to leave Jamaica, it's pure heaven here.

  Even the drinks are better than in Los Angeles.

  Our days have been filled with writing, recording, nights out, and my all time favorite, staying in. I love going out, don't get me wrong,  but staying in gives me such a spark of creativity and urge to write.

  Watching movies is another one, and listening to music any minute I get.

  And I'm glad I have Harry and his friends to do it all with. There's no one I'd rather spend time with.

  I've known this bugger since I can remember, our parents became best friends in high school, which led us to knowing each other and shit like that.

  And I never thought it would lead us here.

  I never thought it would take us to a world breaking boy band, or a screaming crowd of what we call our second family. Everyone knows the infamous Harry Styles, and I'm glad I knew him before everything else.

  But what surprised me is that he never let the so-called "fame" change him. I've watched him grow into the most humble man. He was humble before One Direction, but I've never met a more kind man than him and his friends.

  Watching him go onto the X-Factor was a dream come true, Anne and I were trying to get him to go on for years, especially since he loved that show. He finally agreed, but only said it was to see what would happen, and as a little joke.

  Little did he know he'd end up here.

  He's played the biggest stadiums with me on his side, getting roles in movies, and now, creating his own music for the first time in his life.

It's such a thrilling thing to watch and experience, mainly because I've been behind most of the writing for years. Harry is a brilliant songwriter, but most of the brains come from me.

  Not to brag or anything, but I've been writing songs since I can remember. I started to share them with Harry when I was about 7 years old, and we sang them on our karaoke machine.

  That's been our tradition for years, every christmas we get something song/music related for each other, which I hold so close to my heart.

  Harry is for sure the best friend you could ever ask for, and the fame didn't change him one bit.

  One Direction was the best thing that happened to him, which he's made clear so many times, and has also thanked everyone for several times.

  He just doesn't know my little secret that I've held into since I was 10. It's the one thing I haven't told him, because it could ruin everything.

  And I don't wanna ruin us.

  Sitting here with him and his friends is way better than sitting alone in a hotel room.

  I have major separation anxiety from Harry, it's bad. If I'm nowhere near him, I get panic attacks, it depends on the day of how bad they are.

  We always demand a hotel room with two beds, but I usually sleep in the same bed as him anyway. But we're staying here for a while, so we rented out a house for about 2 months. Cuddling has always been a way to calm each other down, playing with each other's hair and shit like that. For the next two months, I just get to choose what bedroom I wanna sleep in, knowing there's tons to choose from.

I couldn't live without him, even if I tried my hardest. He's my whole world, and I just hope every day that he thinks the same.

  My thoughts jumbled together, mainly because of how drunk I am right now. All of us are out at some random bar, having the best night of our lives.

hating me for loving you {h.s}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя