I roll my eyes at him, and he says, "I am off to sleep. Yesterday, I had watched the whole series, and now I am having its side effects. Good night."

I feel Jay take my hand below the desk and rubs it.

I had missed this. Holding hands secretly in class is unique and wonderful in its self.

He put the textbook of economic in front of us so it would look like we are studying. But in reality, we are just whisper-talking and feeling shy because we are holding hands.

"Did anyone took your attendance?" Mr Hitler asks as one of the helpers comes with the attendance book or whatever they call it

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"Did anyone took your attendance?" Mr Hitler asks as one of the helpers comes with the attendance book or whatever they call it. Every day, our class teacher Sneha Ma'am takes it, but I think she didn't come today.

"No, sir," he nods and starts taking attendance.

"Kiu, I wanted to ask you something," Jay says, making me look at him.

"Huh," I nod, looking at Mr Hitler, who is taking the attendance.

"4?" Mr Hitler continues. I shake Adi to wake him up.

"I wanted to ask that will you come out with me today?" he asks nervously.

"As in you know," he nudges me while I look at him with wide eyes. Is he asking me on a date?

"And I promise, we will not go out of our area," he says, making me smile. He is so understanding.

"7?" Mr Hitler asks, making me snap into action as my roll number come.

"Yes... sir," I say, looking at Jay giving my answer to both.

He gives me his most amazing smile and squeezes my hand, which is in his.

He was about to say something when Rudra calls me making me groan inwardly.

"Yes?" I ask Rudra without leaving my hand away from Jay so Jay won't feel bad.

"Can you come to my home today at 3? Avni and Misha are coming. They have also told your other two friends. And they both will also come," he points at Dhruv and Kunal and then continues, "And tell both of them too." He points at Jay and Adi.

"I have to check that I am free today or not so I don't know, but I will inform Avni or Misha afterwards about that," I shrug remembering that I am going out with Jay today, and he nods, smiling at me.

I move ahead and inform both Adi and Jay about it.

"What do you say, Jay?" Adi asks.

"Let's go if everyone is going," he says, shrugging.

He comes close to me, not much that anyone would think something else and not too far that anyone can hear our convo.

"And we will go out at five," he whispers, making my heart thump in my chest.

And at this moment I know that he is no more a crush.

I like him a lot.

>> <<


Hope you all are safe and healthy.

What do you think of this Chapter?

What do you guys think will happen ahead?

And some next few chapters are going to be slightly dramatic. Not too much dramatic but still.

Random Thoughts:

"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way."

And ofcourse like every time I say, if you want to advice me, give suggestions or any ideas, you are more than welcome to give it.

Thank you everyone from the bottom of my heart.

Next Chapter tomorrow.

Till then.
Stay Safe.
Stay Healthy.

Lots of love,Mahek

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Lots of love,

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