A man once said: IT'S A TRAP!!!

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So after the Deal of the century and the school breach incident happened Y/N is now chilling inside of his class while jamming to is favorite music, which is trap anthem by MC Virgin. lets jump into it boys and girls.

so Y/N is just chilling in his classroom which jamming of to Trap Anthem and kicking his feet up on his desk, he then remembered a conversation that happened yesterday.


After Y/N went home and store his suitcase full of gold bars he then remembered the whole incident happened in the school, he was thinking of it. he then wondered of how did it happened, its not everyday that just some news reporter just breaches the best of the best hero school i mean you have to be a mad man or woman to do it. he pondered around his apartment thinking of it. he then had someone in mind.

Y/N: hmmmm ah fuck it here goes nothing *dials phone number*.

Watchdog Y/N: *picks up phone* hello you are speaking to Y/N L/N.

Y/N: yo sup watchdog Y/N.

Watchdog Y/N: sup other me, you good?.

Y/N: yea I'm good, look i need you to do a favor.

Watchdog Y/N: oook?, why do you need me tho?.

Y/N: need you to hack into my school system.

Watchdog Y/N: wait you go to school now?.

Y/N: yes it doesn't matter can you help me or not?.

Watchdog Y/N: yea yea i can help you ok, but i need to go to your place first for it to work.

Y/N: ok ok you coming here right now?.

Watchdog Y/N: of course I'm coming there right now dumbass, why did you call me for help in the first place if you don't want me to help you right away?.

Y/N: yea yea good point, I'm making the portal right now.

you then summoned a portal and out came the Watchdog Y/N.

Watchdog Y/N: yo sup im here.

Y/N: ok c'mere im gonna fill you in n the situation.

Watchdog Y/N: ok so you want me to hack the school system and find the culprit that did the school breach in the first place?.

Y/N: yes now can you do it or what?.

Watchdog Y/N: *chuckles* you really underestimate my skill huh?, you do know that i can hack the pentagon in 2 minutes.

Y/N: yea doesn't matter just do it already.

Watchdog Y/N: ok ok I'm working on it jeez.

Watchdog Y/N: sheeeesh dam never thought that it would take me 1 minute and 30 second to hack into your school system.

the Watchdog Y/N searches for the culprit for a couple minutes finding and searching who did it, at last after 2 minutes he did it.

OP Kinda Retarded Male Reader x BNHAOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz