Hmmm yes bomb training part 1

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so we see Y/N here still awake and STILL grinding on COD: cold war to get the diamond camo on every gun, tbh he looks like if a redditor and a corpse were combined to make a living creature. you know what lets jump in to it i guess.

Y/N: *groans* fuck i feel like I'm a fucking corpes.

you look at your phone to see what time it is and sees that its 6:00 AM.

Y/N: damn i played for that long?, fuck me i gotta get ready for school.

you turned off your pc and went straight to the bathroom to clean yourself up, upon going in there you look in the mirror to see yourself all dirty with visible stains on your pant and shirt. you took a shower to clean yourself off some cheeto dust and after thats done you brushed your teeth and floss. after you cleaned yourself up you went to the kitchen to make some omelet and try not burn your mouth while eating it. after cleaning up the dishes you go went ahed to put some clothes on. yes you didn't put on any clothes when cooking and eating breakfast, you just wore a towel covering the bottom half of your body.

you went ahead to call the mechanic you to deliver a car to your place, which you forgot to call because you were always forgetting like a fucking dumbass and have to use the uber service all the time because you forgot.

mechanic Y/N: yo sup foo u need a ride?.

Y/N: yea i need a ride.

mechanic Y/N: ight watchu need homie?.

Y/N: need the i8 roadster here ASAP.

mechanic Y/N: ight sick im on my way.

you hang up the phone and went to the ground floor to wait for the car to arrive at your location. after a couple of minutes the bmw i8 came from a portal and approaches you.

mechanic Y/N: *rolls down car window* yo did someone order a fucking bmw i8?.

Y/N: aye sup my man you good?.

mechanic Y/N: yea I'm good foo *goes out of the car* ight heres your ride homie.

Y/N: alright thanks man for the delivery.

mechanic Y/N: yea yea no prob and DON'T scratch it please, i don't wanna repaint it.

Y/N: yea u have my word.

the mechanic you goes to the nearby portal that he summons and goes in the portal, the portal disappered into thin air and your left with the bmw i8 all by yourself. you went in the car and rev the engine to hear the custom exhaust roaring like a beast.

 you went in the car and rev the engine to hear the custom exhaust roaring like a beast

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(looks like this btw)

Y/N: damn i missed you baby.

Izuku: Y/N?.

OP Kinda Retarded Male Reader x BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now