"Kinda, I stole it from sex ED, you know when they gave us the bananas or some shit."

Dream backed at least a few feet away using ink as a skelesheild. "That wasn't meant for eating, you were supposed to treat it like a dick." Ink laughed

"No shit, that's why I'm eating it."

It took a good minute'n a half before ink finally got it, snorting from a sudden laughter.


Error has a stiffen gaze at Ink, from across the math room that is. Sure, there was no way he was going to talk to him from across the classroom, but he was down right confused. Maybe he hadn't asked ink earlier because so many people were around, but why was he still here? Wasn't that stupid squid going to a new school or something? Or was it all just a ball of spitting lies to get him laid?

No matter what the answer was, he still had plenty of anger and questions to throw at ink. The math paper on his desk didn't phase him in the slightest, if he didn't get it done today because of his goggly eyes for Ink then he would just get it done tomorrow. No big deal. So, the glitched one just stared, his imagination took him far with its only fuel being worries and questions unanswered. Between his index and middle skela-finger was his half worm down bitten pencil that he flicked back and forth with the tip of his thumb. His elbow prompt up his hand, with held his cheeks and was probably the only thing keeping him up from falling asleep. Besides from the bell.

He was sudden,y shaken up from the relatively loud alarm that dismissed their call period. His body shivered, as if starting up a old computer it's glitched went from head to toe in a formation not like any other. His eyes flickered open to his only chance of  squeezing his answer juice out of ink (—I'm sorry that sounds so wrong—) he stood up swagging his backpack over him like it had weighed nothing at all.

He took a few steps forward, darling something he would never do under normal circumstances, but despite his phobia being a buzz kill he still managed to catch up with the relatively fast sinner, placing his hand on the shoulder like a light breeze. Ink looked over his shoulder, having that stupidly big iconic smirk before his body followed his motion to face towards his opposite.

"Yeah, windows?" He cooed with a nickname he thought of out of the blue, and would probably forget it later. "What. The. Fuck." Windows said, without context.

"Hm?" Inks body twisted, whipping around the attachment of paintbrushes and video game characters on his backpack as he gave Error his full attention. "I thought you were moving schools?" He cursed the way his voice higher at the end, as if he was on the brink of crying when he was no where close. "Hah, you didn't know? I'm staying — I meant — I hope I'm staying it depends what my 'mother' wether she likes me or not, but I don't think she dose. Her other children look weird too, but maybe their just scared, or gay. Can Christians be gay?" Ink rambled off leading his thoughts into a whole other subject.

"So you, weren't gotta just up and leave? Was this some sort of sick prank to get me to sleep with you? Because if it was then I-" Inks loud obnoxious sigh was enough for Error to snap his mouth shut, okay the edge of his seat to hear the dorks explanation. "What, no? Besides you the one that basically locked me in the closet with you. Nah, the reason why I was being so dramatic is because I wanted to get you sad — and I truly thought I was going away that night — but instead I got a better reaction!" His smile would be honey sweet to anyone walking pass them in the hallway, but to Error it was a decollation of war. 

"I thought we established that playing around with other people's feelings is selfish." Error flicked his pen in between his hands that he was yet the put up, leaning against a closer for ether comfort or to let Bypassers through easier. "We did?" Ink micmocked his movements, before someone who was a few centimeters shorter than him glared at him, he took a long time to figure out that the kid only wanted to get to his locker, which Ink happened to be leaning on. So long that it was embarrassing enough for Error to had grabbed Inks arm, pulling him to the side harsher than he intended. The kid, who just by the looks of him were one of those shitty excuses for a "different" scoffed. "Freak."

Idiot one, and idiot twoWhere stories live. Discover now