34. The Intoxicating Mistake

Start from the beginning


I continued to thoroughly dry.

Suddenly the towel was ripped out of my hand and a glaring Dylan is a few inches away from me, his pale face so close I could see his chapped lips.

"Where were you?"

"I don't have to answer to you," I snapped breathlessly at his nearness.

"Considering that I just saved you, I think you do," he answered confidently.

"You didn't have to save me. Besides, I was perfectly alright." I knew I was just grasping at straws here, but somehow I still didn't want to accept that he was right and that I wasn't.

"Yeah, you were. Drenched to the bones, sniffling and exhausted. That's the very definition of alright." He smirked.

"I was about to call for a cab," I argued feebly.

"You would've gotten more than you warranted by getting into a car wearing that, Hunt!" His sharp glare was back as he looked me over again, before throwing the towel at my chest.

I looked down, confused of what he meant. I flushed with embarrassment immediately. My floral dress was a pale beige color and thanks to the downpour it was currently see through, my black bra visible through the material.

Another sneeze on my part saved me from embarrassing defeat.

"What do you think of tomato soup?" Dylan asked before disappearing into the kitchen, even before I could reply.

* * *

"I thought you were scared of tomatoes," I said as I stared at the delicacies he'd whipped up in half an hour.

Tomato soup, garlic bread, lemon tea and Greek salad.

"I'm not scared of tomatoes. I just don't particularly like them," he answered as he sat down next to me on the high chair.

"Fine. Who knew I'd see the day where Sir Jerks-A-Lot cooks for me." I said before taking a spoonful of the tomato soup.

It was surprisingly remarkable, and tasty.

"Sir Jerks-A-Lot?" He asked, brow raised.

Oh shit! He didn't know!

"Uhmm... This is delicious," I said, hoping for a quick subject change.

"I know," he smirked cockily. "I made it. Is that what you dubbed me? Sir Jerks-A-Lot?" An amused smile dominated his face.

"Yes. No. Maybe," I said hastily before I bit into the garlic bread.

"Yes then. Where did the inspiration come from exactly?"

I pondered over that. Where did I get that name from?

"You were a jerk," I answered before chewing into some lettuce.

"I was a jerk... A lot?" He chucked.

I nodded. "And you acted all pompous and noble... Like a duke."

"Thus the name 'Sir Jerk-A-Lot'?"

I nodded.

"You surprise me even more, Hunt."

I smiled at him childishly before finishing off the soup. "Who knew Mr Arrogant could cook?"

"Your nicknames aren't that creative, you know? Mom made sure all of us knew how to cook a full course before she let us leave the house."

I nodded before I placed the dishes into the sink. "Thanks for dinner."

Rushed (Hate at First Flight #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now