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Let's be real. I cannot write. I can't put feelings into words. I can't compose fancy languages so that my writings sound good.  I struggle even with the most common adjectives. I envy poets and writers. I think they are superhumans. As a reader, it blows my mind how they just can keep me engrossed in a book for so long. I always wished writing came to me easily. As easily as doing your dishes at home. Now if you are wondering why I am doing this, I have no idea either. I just hope I get some inspiration out of this and someday, I can write a great book. The struggle of writing is real. But a passionate writer never gives up. He never lets the writer's block win. With that same fiery passion, I write this today. To get over my ultimate writer's block and to cultivate a love for writing.

I decided that I am going to write about the love of my life: Korean Dramas. The Kdramas can have me hooked all the day long on the screen (although I can't do that since my parents strictly monitor my screen time, I am an adult by the way) I envy the main leads and get the Second Lead Syndrome. I gap with awe at the unnoticeable twists that is thrown at me and laugh real hard at the humorous scenarios. I feel sad when a character cries and almost fight with imaginary enemies during fight scenes. These Kdramas have become an integral part of our lives. 

And then, what can I say about the Korean Oppas? They are these dashing big hulks with the perfect looks. They can be a playboy chaebol or a hardworking lawyer. They portray the characters so well that you wonder if they are even real. These Oppas may only be on screen but they still manage to flutter a million hearts. You look at them and wish if only they existed in reality. 

But, life is no Kdrama. So ladies and Gentlemen, here am I ranting about how my boring and mundane life and how I wish I lived in the world of kdramas. And my three lifetime crushes Oppas, who will forever occupy my heart but don't know about my existence.

Till my next update, please enjoy a video of some of the handsome Oppas (don't care about the ratings and all, they are all handsome to me)


What do you like about Kdramas? Let us know in the comments below

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