Trailer Chapter

Depuis le début

Grunt 1: So Cass, have you heard about the new M.A.T. That's coming soon?

Cassidy: Oh you mean the Masters Accomplished Tournament? Yeah I heard about it, why do you ask?

Grunt 1: So apparently they are holding that tournament to see who the best Master amoung them are.

Cass: Does this have anything to do with What we are trying to do Biff?


Cassidy: Anyways, does it or does it not have something to do with What we are doing?

Butch: Well kinda, Imagine if we can steal all of those Trainers Pokemon and give them to the boss. We will be Team Rocket Executives, The Bosses Right and Left hand man and woman.

Ash's left eye glowed a dangerous blood red while Greninja and his team looked at him with confusion with a tad bit of fear. Before any of them could ask him what's wrong, he rushed at Cassidy and Biff with Blue Blades coming out of his hands and with one clean slice of both of his arms, he ripped their heads off clean from their bodies.

His team came from around the corner to see the scene before them, both of the bodies were on the ground. Cassidy's body was on top of Biff's with both of their heads rolling away. Ash was covered in blood as he looked at his team with confusion, but what his team saw was only a glowing blood red eyeball with blood all over his clothes.

Greninja was smirking at the scene while the other 2 just looked shocked. Greninja decided to Ask. . .

Greninja: What was that?

Ash: . . . What was what. . ?

Greninja: Why did you suddenly kill them? You never kill anyone or anything without a  reason, whether that reason be a decent one or a good one.

Ash: It doesn't matter why I killed them, we are wasting our time. Come on Giovanni is up these stairs, I Know it.

And with that Ash and his team went onto the next floor to reach and kill Giovanni.


And with one final slice To the neck, Giovanni, The boss of Team Rocket is Finally dead. He laid there, Dismembered on the floor, Blood gushing out everywhere. Ash looked to his left and saw Greninja beating his Persain half to death, then he looked to his right and found Lucario and Garchomp wickedly smiling while both Giovanni's Nidoking and Nidoqueen were on the floor, beaten to a Bloody Pulp. Ash went to the Desk that Giovanni was sitting at before he was Fighting and found out that he was able to lift the top of the table to reveal a secret compartment that revealed 2 video tapes, A photo of THAT Day, A Letter, and A Single Pokeball.

Ash's eyes darted straight towards the 2 Video tapes, however Both of the video tapes were almost Identical except one was labeled "Ash 1" and the other was labeled "Ash 2". He was about to reach for them until he heard a door flying off it's hinges on the floor below him.

Ash was now panicking as he only had a limited amount of time now, so he quickly told Garchomp what was happening and that he needed to stay in the ball for now.  .  .

(A/N: Greninja also heard the door break and Lucario. . . Well do I need 2 even say it at this point?)

.  .  . Then he recalled his team in their Pokeballs and stuffed them down his pocket. He grabbed the tape that said "Ash 1" and shoved it down his other pocket then he quickly his in the shadows. Thanks to the fact that he was wearing all black he was able to hide in the shadows pretty well, except for the fact that he had splashes of blood on his Hoodie and small spots of blood on his sweats. All he could do was pray that he couldn't be smelt or seen but knowing his luck within the Past years, he knew the chances were slim to none.

The Betrayed One Makes A Comeback (A Ash Betrayed Story) = Darker VersionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant