Chapter 5.5

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WARNING: This chapter contains ABUSE that may be triggering for some readers. PLEASE READ at your own risk. 


"Why, Porco?"

"Y/N, I-I can explain," Porco stammered, his grey eyes shaking with fear. He leapt out of his red bed sheets to throw on the usual white t-shirt he wore.

Your eyes welled with tears and you dropped your backpack on the ground. Your heart sank to the bottom of your feet, causing you to slowly collapse. Your hands pressed together on the floor in front of you to keep yourself from falling over. This can't be happening. "Porco," you whispered, your throat lumped heavily, "I trusted you."

"Mina! Get out of here!" Porco ordered. The girl ran off, taking her clothes with her as she ran across the room. Porco slammed the door shut, and grabbed your arm. "Y/N! Y/N!" he bellowed, trying to get your eyes off of the floorboards. 

You slapped his arm away. "Who is she?" you muttered, your eyes continuing to stay lowered. 

"No one! She's, she's-ugh fuck!" Porco slapped his hand onto his face. 

Tears started to stream down your face now, and your face stretched out from the silent wails that your mouth formed and kept in. You shook your head in disbelief, and your heart felt like it was being torn apart and shredded all at once. 

"Porco," you sobbed, taking in a giant sniffle, "I can't fucking believe you did this! You fucking piece of shit!" You slammed your fists on the ground, and your nails dug into your own skin. You turned up to look at him to find him staring back at you soullessly. You reached and grabbed on to his shirt. "Why? Tell me why!"

SMACK! A hand slapped you across the face, making you let go of Porco. You ended up facing the other side of Porco, and your cheek stung with throbbing pain. 

"Don't you think I know?" Porco screeched, reaching over and grabbing your jaw with one hand. "Don't you think I know you've been fucking your damn best friend?" 

"I...haven't..." you gasped, your hands trying to undo Porco's hold. But it was all done in vain, and he pulled you closer to his face. 

"You fucking whore. Stop lying!" Porco gritted through his teeth, with some spit getting on your face. "I'm not fucking stupid! Fucking admit it Y/N!" He shook you in his grasp, as if an answer would come out if he did that. SLAP. "Answer me, goddamnit!"

"I'm...not...lying," you breathed as you started to pinch Porco's hands in hopes of him letting go.

"Tch," he spat, as he let go of your jaw. He threw you back slightly, so now that you made contact with the ground again. Porco still stood at the font of the door, staring at it in silence. You rubbed your jaw, feeling the bruising that was already starting to form. You weren't crying anymore, but the tears that did fall still left a stinging trail of pain. 

"We're breaking up now," you panted, as you pulled your backpack in closer to you. "I can't do this anymore, Porco."

"Fine by me. I don't need to be dating a fucking liar," he scoffed as he slammed open the door again. "Just get out of here Y/N. Take back whatever the fuck's yours." Porco slipped out of his bedroom, and disappeared down the hallway.


I hate you. 

I hate you for everything you've done. 

I wanted us to work out. 

But as much as I hate you,

I hate myself for staying as long as I did. 

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