Chapter 1

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"G-guys, you're not serious ri-right?" Armin stammered, his ocean blue eyes as big as ever. "It's not smart to go out and get d-d-ddrunk! And especially, tonight, we have midterms coming up next week, s-so we should study for the rest of the weekend..."

"So what?" Sasha replied, her brown eyes rolling all the way back to her head as she reached in Connie's bag of potato chips while they sat on the couch. "We only live once, why not fuck shit up while we're at it?" 

"Hey! My chips-" 

"I think the better way to word that is it's fine to have a little fun once in a while. The only problem is not getting caught," a husky voice butted in. It was Reiner and his tattoo-covered, ox-like arms crossed across his puffed chest. Though it didn't seem like it, Reiner's stoic figure was masking his rebelliousness...and the fact that he had secretly wanted to live on the edge. 

Jean couldn't help but laugh. "You dumbfucks, getting caught is the best part. Just imagine it: your intoxicated, wasted, musty lookin-ass getting chased down by the police in the middle of the night. Talk about a thrill I'd never pass up!" He shuffled with his lighter, and lit his cigarette in the middle of the living room where everyone was sitting.

"Jean, you're disgusting man. If you're gonna smoke, go find yourself a new barn stall or something. It makes the air nasty as fuck in here," Eren jeered with bother. He pinched his nose with his hand and swatted at the air with the other, and soon, everyone started to do the same to tease him. 

"Oh to hell with you guys," Jean laughed with his lip piercing glistening. He opened the backdoor of the frat house to go get some time alone with his beloved cigarettes. 

"Y-Y/N, are you going to go to that party?" Armin asked, his voice still as shaky as ever. 

"Of course, Armin. It's not as bad as it seems," you casually answered. "Once you get down a shot or two, everything calms down. And if you don't want to go that badly, you can just stay home...or get sick like every time we go to a party."

Everyone giggled in unison. They could already picture Armin in his huge, favorite futon that he wore around the house whenever he didn't feel good. 

Author's note: (Yes, that was a reference to AOT Jr. High...)

"She's got a point," Sasha agreed, her mouth now full of Hot Cheetos,  "I've never seen Armin without a cold on the day we go have fun. Right Connie?"

Connie nodded his silver buzzed-cut head in agreement. "You should try coming Armin. I heard a special someone will be there," he cooed, making the stupidest winking face and the biggest smirk ever. Sasha bursted out in laughter, and started to make the same face as Connie. Armin's face turned a beet red, and he pulled his huge hoodie over his blond undercut hair. 

"Aye, leave him alone," Eren said in between laughs. "At least he's not like Mikasa!"

Mikasa's head turned sharply to Eren, her brows wrinkling in confusion. "What do you mean, 'not like Mikasa'?" she sharply spat. Her black eyes moved back and forth, trying to read Eren's face. 

"Y'know," Eren chuckled playfully, as he threw his head back onto the couch, revealing his winged neck tattoo, "Where you take about a gallon of alcohol after feeling nothing, and you pass out in the middle of nowhere, so we end up searching for you like fucking Bigfoot?"

Everyone started laughing again, and Mikasa was not amused. Rather, she wasn't one to be laughed at. "C'mon Y/N, let's go," she huffed, as she grabbed your arm to lead you to the doorway. 

"Mikasa-" you started. You whipped your head back to the room. "Wait, when's the party anyways?" you called out. 

"Tonight at 10! At Zeke's place!" answered Reiner. 

Sasha hollered, "See ya later bitches!"

Before being yanked through the door, you gave a wave back, excited for the night. 


"Y/N?" Mikasa asked. "How do I look?" 

You stopped applying your mascara and took a long stare at her. Mikasa really was beautiful. Her long, black, and silky hair fell onto and over her shoulders, and her pale skin made her look like a timeless celebrity. Her lips, the deep red color that she always chose to go parties with, was applied on perfectly, and so was the slim black dress that emphasized her hourglass figure.

"Stunning as always," you replied, playfully flirting as you returned to apply your makeup.

Without saying a word, Mikasa went back to her mirror, and continued to straighten out her hair as much as possible. Eh? She's unusually quiet today... you thought to yourself. 

"So, got any guys in mind that you wanna hook up with this time?" you asked, trying to alleviate the awfully silent atmosphere. 

Mikasa flinched a little. "Not really. I've grown over the idea of just playing around without reason, especially when it's not worth it down there..." she hummed. 

"Damn, how bad was Jean last time?" you teased, trying not to laugh too much.

"You're really fucking stupid, you know that right?" Mikasa answered, rolling her eyes. She took a sigh before saying, "I've been thinking about dropping him as my friend with benefits though."

"The fuck?" you asked, shocked at the news. "Why?"
She took another pause from attempting to part her hair in the middle. "I don't know Y/N, it just feels like I should grow up now."

As you slipped out of your huge hoodie, you answered, "Eh, you do you, I guess." Not another word from her, even as you walked to the dorm closet. 

As you shuffled through the rows of clothes, you finally found an old dress you had never used. It was a velvet burgundy dress that fell just above your knees, and to match with it, silver heels that made you about 3 inches taller. As you put them on, you wondered about the guys that would be there. You knew all your friends were going, Zeke and his friends, but that was about it. 

Would he be there?... you wondered. Well, it didn't matter now, time to go have some fun for a bit, you made sure to note to yourself, layering your perfume onto your neck and in your hair. 

"You ready?" Mikasa asked, as you came out of the closet, as she was already holding her purse. 

"Yep," you replied with a smile, grabbing your faux fur jacket as you two made your way out of the dorm, and out into the cold night. 

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