Chapter 2

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WARNING: These characters are aged up, and in their activities, involve the use of heavy drinking, smoking, and drugs. PLEASE READ at your own discretion! As the author, I am in no way supporting/discouraging the use of these acts. 


"You guys made it!" said a very familiar voice. 

Was it him?  You slowly peered your head over Mikasa's shoulder as you entered passed the doorway, hoping it wasn't who you thought it was. 

His hair was disheveled, the dirty golden locks drooping to the sides of his face. His bright gray eyes pierced through the neon lights, and his mouth shaped a sheepishly lazy grin. 


"So, you decided to come and shit on everyone's night?" Mikasa hissed, shifting her weight to her right hip. 

"It's the weekend! C'mon Mi, I already know what you're thinking." Porco shoved his hands in his pockets, and set his eyes onto yours. His smile faded away in an instant, and his voice became cold. "Let me talk to Y/N for a bit."

"Fuck off Porco. I don't need to smell any more of the shit that's spilling from your mouth," you sneered, feeling your voice shake slightly at the end. Shit, I'm not acting tough enough.  

"Must be the vodka that you smell then," he chuckled, wiping his mouth with the front of his white shirt.  Porco didn't take your eyes off you, but his tone became subtly soft. Damn that son of a bitch. 

"Ladies!" a hoarse voice exclaimed. It was Zeke, with two girls clinging onto the side of him.  His neck was full of hickeys, and his round glasses were tilted to the side. He gave a quick glance to Porco, who disappeared into the crowd. 

"Hey Zeke," Mikasa greeted, the air around you two relaxing. "Where's everyone?"

"Why ask me?" he laughed as he took the cigarette out of his mouth. "What I do know is that some of your friends are here already. There's that one over there though, the uh, the blond one!" he remembered, snapping his fingers together. 

"Reiner?" you guessed, your eyes scanning across the various rooms. The music blaring only made trying to find Reiner even harder, along with the stench of alcohol and weed that reeked throughout the air. People are going all out tonight, huh?

Zeke laughed, and pulled the two girls away from him for a second and pointed behind him to his right. "Nah, the quiet one over there who's chugging the rest of the whiskey!"

You felt your jaw drop, and in your peripheral you could see Mikasa's do the same, your eyes feeling like they were about to fall out. There was Armin, standing on the table, with a group of partiers surrounding him. The look of awe and excitement were plastered all over their faces, and their fists pounded with the beat of each chug Armin took. 

"Armin!" you called, rushing over with Mikasa tailing you.

"Hm?" an intoxicated Armin giggled, his face a burning red. Holy shit. How long has it been since he got here?  you wondered in your head. 

"Armin! Armin!" Mikasa called, trying to reach his arm to pull him down. But he didn't budge. 

"Whaaaaaat?" Armin wailed as he turned his whole body around now, revealing he was now holding a new whiskey bottle in his left hand. His once huge eyes were now hanging dangerously low, so much so that he looked like he was closing them. 

Suddenly, a new hand snatched the liquor out of his hands. Armin didn't realize, and his delayed reaction consisted of him crying and jumping off the table. 

Hidden Fantasy (Eren x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora