Meet Me in the Bathroom

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(This is what this entire story was based on. I just wanted to include it bc it gives context.)

I walked through the halls of GWHS sliding my feet as I strolled to my locker. Tired. That's all I felt. Just fuckin tired. The school day was almost over and I was so ready to just go home and forget about life. I turned the corner to face my locker. English was next. It was my favorite out of all of my classes, but that's not saying much since I hated literally everything about school. Junior year was starting off to be just as shitty as I thought it would be. Only a few more months of this though. At least I was moving soon.

My mom was being moved back to Europe, so I knew I wasn't staying long in DC. We had just come back after sophomore year. I didn't fit in at all at my catholic high school. I mean Rome was cool as fuck, but it kinda sucked. I tried my best and I did whatever people wanted me to do. That landed me pregnant. Ya. Pregnant. I don't have a kid or anything. Jeez. Can you imagine? I mean one day of course, but at 15? Hell no.

I opened my locker to get my English notebook and some new pencils, "Nice skirt Emily!" Will said as he walked by and smacked my ass. His friends laughed trailing behind him.

"Fuck you, Will," I yelled down the hallway. I don't know if there is a scale that could measure how much I hate highschool boys. If there was I would be impressed. At this point, I'm used to the casual ass smacks and blow job faces that guys make at me. I just flip them off and carry on with my day. What really matters is that I know who I am. I know that I am never going to get with any of those guys. No matter what happens. What they don't know is that I've fucked each and every one of their girlfriends. And that's what counts. I mean all of them but one girl. Will's girlfriend.

She was so perfect, so beautiful, so mesmerizing. The way she strolled down the hall like no one was watching. And somehow she found herself dating a jackass like Will. But that's the way the world works I guess. Girls like Jennifer Jareau get with guys like Will LaMontagne. What kind of a name is that? Will LaMontagne. Aghuh.

I patted down my skirt and headed to class right as the bell rang. Ya, it was short but that's how I like it. The way I dressed shouldn't have mattered, but Principle Hastings seemed to give way too many fucks. Let me just paint a picture real quick. Some days I'll wear a pleated mini skirt and bra top, maybe I'll add some fishnets or a flannel. That's what I wore today. Other days, I'll wear some baggy jeans and a crop top. I try to show off as much of my body as I can. Just to piss people off. I know I'm hot, don't worry, but when some girl walks up to me and yells 'whore' I just want to crawl into a little ball and cry myself to sleep.

It hurts because it's not true. Almost every guy in this school has bragged about 'gettin it on with Emily Prentiss' even though I never even touched one of them. At first, I tried denying it, but after a while it became useless. No one was going to believe the 'slutty loner chick' over the 'hot football player'. I get it.

All of sudden I stopped in my tracks. There she was, just walking down the hall with the rest of the posse. I knew I could never be with her, but a girl could dream. Jennifer Jareau was the definition of straight. Blonde, blue-eyed, captain of the soccer team, and to top it off she was dating the football quarterback. I'm telling you, this shit is out of a teen rom-com on Netflix or something.

As she walked by she winked at me and smiled. I winked back. It was a reflex, but I winked back. She walked into Ms. Underson's classroom. That was our English teacher. I gathered my thoughts and headed in after her. I sat down in my seat which just happened to be across from JJ's. That's what everyone called her, JJ. How much cuter could she get?! Answer: a lot cuter.

We had this fun little flirty thing, but I always thought it was just a joke to her. I mean we only knew each other a few months. Today though, she turned around in her chair and gave me a look. You know that look that's like 'hey'. Anyway, she gave me that look and my mind started to fluster. She never did this in class before. I bit my lip and looked back at her. Right then I felt eyes on me.

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