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Walking through the halls, I slowed. The Principle was standing in front of me, arms crossed.

I did a little spin and shot finger guns at him, "What's on today's list of fucks to give about Emily Prentiss?" I joked.

"You've been here exactly 6 months and 14 days," he said like it was some important information.

"Did I miss our anniversary? I'll make sure to drop off some chocolates by your office. Sound good?" I tried to pass by him, but he stepped in front of me again.

"What I'm saying, is that in those 6 months and 14 days, I have had to reprimand you about various things 65 times. 65 times! Is this a cry for help?" For a second he seemed genuinely concerned.

I just laughed a little, "To be honest, I have no idea. Wanna help me out and take your foot off my neck?"

"You like to joke, but I worry about you. Maybe you should consider seeing the counselor about why you act out like this?"

I pushed past him again, "Thanks for the advice, Mr. Hastings!"

He yelled at me as I walked away, "Principle Hastings!"

I turned around and sarcastically blew him a kiss. I swear I could hear his eyes roll to the back of his head. There was no saving me. I was a lost cause.

I headed towards my next class which was math. Somehow, I found my way into pre-calc. Don't ask me how because I could never tell you. I strolled into the classroom, casually smacking my books down on the desk and taking a seat.

"Hello Ms. Prentiss," said my math teacher.

I tipped an invisible hat in response, giving him a fake smile. Some of the other kids giggled as they settled down in their own seats.

"Good Afternoon everyone!" Mr. Swanson said from the front of the classroom, "Are you all ready for the test! I'm sure you are."

Everyone groaned and fell back in their chairs. He passed out packets covered in work to do for the next hour. Once I got my test, I looked over at the teacher to make sure he wasn't looking. Then, I flipped up one side of my skirt to reveal answers scrawled on my leg. It's the best way to cheat. Not like a 50-year-old man is gonna ask me to pull up my skirt to check if I have test answers written on my upper thigh. That's just creepy. I don't know maybe it's even illegal. You know, this could be how I made it to pre calc. Don't judge. I understand everything and take it in. I just don't care enough to actually take to the time and do the work. That time is better spent doing other things. Like vandalizing the school bathrooms, or going to badass parties, or fawning over a girl who you thought you could never get with. That's what I have been doing lately. Usually, I'm pretty good at not letting my feelings get the best of me, but Jennifer Jareau... she's a different story. Like I said before, we only knew each other a few months, but we had this weird little flirty thing that turned into fucking in the bathroom during English class.

I finished my test early but acted like I was still working so I didn't look suspicious. Jennifer was sitting in front of me, actually doing the work. I leaned over on my desk and started to play with her hair which cascaded down her back like a golden waterfall. Damn, I'm getting way too cheesy, but it was true. As I twirled her hair in my fingers she looked back at me.

"You know I love it when you do that... Why now?"

"I'm bored," I said, not looking up at her.

"You're always bored." She rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Hey ladies, what are we talking about?" Mr. Swanson had come up behind me.

"The 10-inch strap-on I have in my backpack," I said very matter-a-factly. JJ gasped and started laughing. She hid it though. I was joking, but it was fun to play with him.

His jaw dropped open as if he was going to say something but closed after he registered what I just said. I smiled brightly and waved him away. You could tell that he was trapped and didn't know what to say.

"Well, ok then. Um... not in class and uh no cheating." He looked at me as he stuttered out the last part of his sentence.

"Of course sir," I said as he walked away. JJ slapped me on the arm playfully and went back to her test, still giggling.

Seconds later, she turned back around, "Do you really?"

"Maybe... " I raised an eyebrow and sat back in my chair.

She scoffed and spun her pencil in between her fingers.

About 20 minutes and 10 weird but oddly cool doodles later, the class was over. The bell rang and everyone scrambled out of their seats towards the door.

"Have a good weekend everyone! Don't forget pages 224-226 for homework," The teacher waved as his students left the class.

Everyone sighed and said "Ya." before leaving. JJ and I were the last ones left.

"And Emily," I stopped and looked at him with an annoyed look on my face, "Please stop drawing on my desks."

"You got it!" I gave him a thumbs up and walked out of the classroom.

JJ stayed back to ask about the homework or something. She was always on top of that stuff. Always perfect. I never understood how it didn't get old. I mean, she seemed happy. She was going for valedictorian. That combined with being the captain of the varsity girls soccer team would definitely land her a scholarship somewhere.

I waited until she came out to pin her up against the wall. She looked down and bit her lip.

"We can't do this in public. Everyone still thinks I'm with Will."

"I miss you," I said, pulling away from her. She wasn't out yet and we were hanging out in secret.

"Well, you should take that up with the plans that you skipped out on." She started to walk away, but I grabbed her arm.

"Jen, I'm sorry," I paused and let go of her, "You know my mom is fuckin crazy. She made me go with her to one of those stupid fancy parties. I didn't have time to text you."

I really did have to go to a party with my mom. That part was the truth. I could have texted her through, but I didn't want her to think that I was making something up. In hindsight, I should have texted her and explained myself instead of lying. That all backfired. 

"You wanna make it up to me?" she asked, stopping to look at me.

"Ya, of course. Anything. Name it." I tried not to sound desperate.

"My place this weekend. Help me with Swanson's homework," she started to walk off but turned around once more, "And actually come this time."

"Okay, you got it," I said, smiling.

She smiled back and gave me a quick wink before running off with her friends. There I was, alone again. 

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