Bake Sale

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A few weeks later, I was taking my ass to the principal's office. Walking through the halls smiling, backpack in hand. For most people being called to the principal's office is like the walk of shame, but for me, it's just another day in the life.

I racked my brain on which of the many things I had done in the past few weeks was what Principal Hastings wanted to see me about. So many choices! As I strolled toward his office, Fuckface McDouchebag himself walked by. He winked at me followed by a whistle. His friend was trailing behind him like his jackass sidekick.

"Ay, Prentiss! Meeting with the Principal again? You gonna give him the old sloppy toppy?" His laugh was obnoxious and annoying. Like Dwayne Johnson going through puberty.

As Will passed me, I tripped him. He fell forward into his friend's arms.

"Fuck off and run back to you're mommy Will." I flipped up my middle fingers and spun around the corner. Told you those daily stretches would come in handy. 

I heard his friend comforting him after his terrible defeat. God, I loved that feeling. Putting someone in their place. Is there a career that focuses on that? Maybe that's what I'll do. I imprinted the moment in my mind and continued to Hasting's office.

"Yo! My man! My dude! How's it goin' bro." I dipped into the reasonably large office and set my bag down next to a chair.

"Emily Prentiss. I wish I could say that it's lovely to see you again, but I tend to spend more time with you than with my own family," he said, setting paperwork down on his desk.

"People are becoming suspicious about our little chats. Maybe...," I walked my fingers along the desk, "it's time to let this go?" I said, making a reluctant face and shrugging my shoulders.

He laughed a little and looked down, "You sure are funny Emily. Don't you want to know why you're here?"

I really didn't but it's not like I had a choice.

"What's up?"

"I want to speak to you about what you wrote in the school newspaper."

Yes okay. I wrote for the school newspaper. It was 1 of like 2 things I did that weren't illegal. It was fun though. No teacher was running it so we could basically write whatever we wanted. I wrote for the advice section.

"I'm glad that you found something you are passionate about that doesn't include the destruction of public property, but telling your classmates "How to Eat Pussy the Right Way" isn't exactly what I was hoping would come out of this." He held up the paper and tossed it over to me.

"Look. I have way too many girls who come to me crying for help. These highschool guys just don't know what they're doing." I set the paperback on his desk and crossed my arms.

"Ok, well I didn't need to know that. This just isn't appropriate for school, okay? Try writing about what girls want in a guy... or... I don't know how to deal with a breakup. Anything that doesn't have to do with my student body's sex lives."

"You read it though right?" I paused to see his reaction. He smiled awkwardly, you know where your mouth is just a straight line across your face, and looked away from me. "And you're going to use it with your wife huh? Ya, I know I'm right." I stood up from my seat.

"Emily we aren't done here."

"Freedom of speech Robert!" I yelled, leaving the room.

I started walking back to my English class right as the bell rang. JJ came out of the classroom, talking with some of her friends. When she saw me, she broke off from the group and joined me.

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