Family Dinner

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I had successfully avoided my mom for the past 2 weeks and was ready to make it 3 when she cornered me in the kitchen. 



"I know that you and I don't talk very often, but something has come to light that I would like to discuss." My mom sneaked up behind me while I was getting a bottle of water. 

"Good for you." I shot back, trying to get away.

She pursed her lips, "Emily, please look at me when I speak to you." 

I just turned around and crossed my arms, letting her know I was listening.

"I know that you are trying your best to experience your adolescence to the fullest. You are young and you are learning. I also realize that this is the time when you truly find yourself-"

"Mother. Spit it out." 

It was the end of the year and I was ready to get these last few weeks of school over with already. My mom could ramble for hours and never get to the point. It was one of her superpowers. That and her death glare were most prominent.

"I would like for you to invite your girlfriend over." 

My eyebrows raised and I let out a small chuckle, "It's funny that you think she hasn't been over- Wait how do you know I have a girlfriend?"

"I don't think that's relevant to this conversation. I would like to meet her. We could have a real family dinner." She seemed genuine like she actually cared. Another one of her motherly superpowers.

"Mhm. This feels like a trick. When you heard our neighbor came out a bisexual you said that he was confused. Why the change of heart?"

"Well, that Spencer boy was always a troubled child. He was very odd and his mother never introduced herself... There was just something off about that family that never sat right with me and-"

"Mother, you're rambling again."

Spencer was actually a super sweet kid. He went to school with us but graduated a year before because he was a fucking genius. He skipped grades like Ashley Seaver skipped periods and that girl got around. She was nice and all, but such a wanna-be. She followed JJ around like a lost dog. 

"Oh. Just ask her if she would like to join us for dinner tonight. I would greatly appreciate it."

"You know how much I care." I don't think she heard that part.

When I got to school I went straight to my locker to internally scream. My mother liked to pretend she was a great mom because she gave me money and provided food and shelter. That worked for me. She gave me space, which actually meant forgetting I even existed, but that meant I could get away with a lot. That was, until now. 

JJ walked by with some of her friends, so she stopped at my locker and kissed me on the cheek. We had been public for a few weeks and it was magical. JJ was happy, I was happy, everyone wished they had a relationship as loving and hot as ours. We were the IT couple. Crazy right? A lesbian relationship being the IT couple of a public high school? But it was true. The sex tape fiasco was short-lived fame that we were glad to put behind us. 

"Hey Em! Good morning." JJ chirped. 

"Now it is..." I pulled her closer, kissing her on the lips.

"Get a room you two." Kate sighed.

JJ leaned back and rolled her eyes, waving them away. The girls giggled as they walked off.

"I have something to ask you..." I said, closing my locker.

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