🧩Part six🧩

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Hyunsu sat at his computer

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Hyunsu sat at his computer. He had been researching what was going on for a couple hours while Song Hee slept. He hadn't found anything important yet. He scrolled through different websites and blogs but found nothing. He scanned through another page when he heard Song Hee shift in his bed. He looked back to see she had sat up slightly staring at the ceiling.

He scanned over her face for a few seconds checking if she was ok. She seemed to be stoic and quiet. Nothing like the Morse code master he had talked to earlier that day. He looked back to his computer and continued searching.


Song Hee had woken up from her nap she didnt know she needed sleep tell she passed out cold. She felt a little bit better but there was still an aching pain in her heart. She was thankful that Hyunsu didn't bring it up after she cried into his shirt. She didn't want to talk nor think about it. Boba was gone and that was the cold hard truth. She needed to move on just like she had with her parents and brother.

She looked over to Hyunsu to see what he was enraptured in. She crawled her way to him and rested her chin on his shoulder wrapping her arms around his middle. "What are you doing" she whispered, her voice still hoarse from her crying.

She noticed the blush on his cheeks as he stuttered to find an answer, she thought she could save him a little pain and find out for herself instead of him jumbling it out. She zeroed in on the website he was on or the blog actually.


She started reading the blog out loud for both of them.

"It's not a disease it's a curse"

"They complained of frequent nosebleeds and auditory hallucinations"

They? Who's they?

She continued on speaking softly into Hyunsu's ear.

"The cause could not be determined. They weren't from here originally"

Again with the they.

"They came here because they showed symptoms"

Song Hee huffed in frustration at the word they. She must have waited too long to continue when she heard Hyunsu take over reading the blog.

" They turned into miserable desperate beings"

Song Hee started softly banged her head into Hyunsu's shoulder. She eventually stopped when she started to feel a light pounding in her head. She smushed her cheek into his shoulder listening to the rest of the blog.

"Every prediction was wrong. It suddenly begins one day and it never stops"

Well shit the worlds fucked. Guess it didn't matter, she had nothing left to live for anyway. Might as well go out slaying creatures like a badass.

She looked up when Hyunsu stopped talking and started clicking his mouse repeatedly. Looks like there was no internet.


Song Hee sat up and looked over Hyunsu's shoulder to his stomach that just gurgled. She looked to his face and broke a tiny grin. " You hungry?"

He looked down and blushed once again before nodding. When she had looked around earlier that day she hadn't found anything to cook. She suddenly remembered the box of torn ramyeon outside the door.

It seemed Hyunsu was thinking the exact thing when he muttered about
the box still being there.

She pulled her arms from Hyunsu, standing and shuffling to the door with him in tow. She took a deep breath and slowly started opening the door. She saw the ramyeon and took a small step out when she heard groaning she looked up to see a grey creature with bat like ears and half a face. It latched onto the door frame and pushed into the flat. She put her hand on her mouth and crouched down just in time for the arm to pass by her. She looked to Hyunsu to see him crouched as well looking fearfully to the monster. She noticed his eyes flicker to the mop that was a few feet away from them. She shook her head quickly and grasped his forearm to keep him still. He shook her off and started reaching for the stick.

"I can't see"

The thing spoke? Jeez you would think with half ur face and brain missing that you wouldn't really be able to carry out that function. She tore her eyes form the creature to see Hyunsu grasp the handle.

Song Hee almost flew out her skin when the monster croaked that it could hear them and violently extended it's hand into the speaker hooked onto the wall. The monster retracted its arm, turned around and started making its way out of the apartment. Unfortunately Hyunsu had managed to get in its path and inched to the right so it didn't step on him. As the creature stepped out into the hallway Song Hee snatched the box of ramyeon while Hyunsu closed the door.

She was not going to starve to death, no way.

She slid the box across the floor. It seemed way to heavy especially with half of its inventory missing. She flipped open the torn lid and saw the single best thing in the world.


She squealed so loudly she probably alerted the monster. She quickly picked up her furry bunny and cuddled him close.

Hyunsu watched from a distance and let the two friends have a moment he was glad Boba wasn't dead. He didn't like seeing Song Hee cry. He walked over and grabbed the ramyeon. He put some in bowls and heated them up in the microwave he didn't really have anything for Boba, so he just put a bowl of water out for him.

He looked back to see Song Hee moved to the bed still snuggling Boba. She clutched onto him like a life line.

"He must've hid in there while all the commotion was going on. He was probably scared out of his mind. Huh. Where you scared boba?" She whispered to the rabbit kissing his pink nose.

Hyunsu took the bowls out, grabbed some chopsticks and sat next to her. She looked reluctant to set Boba down. Without much hesitation Hyunsu set his ramyeon aside, grabbed some noddles with her chopsticks and brought them to her mouth. She looked up at him from under he thick lashes and smiled. She leaned in and ate the noodles.

She hummed happily and continued looking at Boba. Hyunsu continued feeding her forgetting about his own noodles. He was just happy she was happy again. After she was finished she pecked Hyunsu on the cheek and then whispered a thank you. He broke a tiny grin and blushed a deep shade of red.

Song Hee laid down with Boba next to her. She was tired that was for sure. Even with the nap she felt like a zombie. She drifted off to the image of Hyunsu.

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