She rolls her shoulders, allowing her now greyish wings to hide themselves into her back. She has no idea why they changed colour.

She begins the trudge towards where she died. Apparently the brothers trapped their father there and return to him every couple weeks to torture him, then heal him and torture him again. Quite the affair really.

Her footsteps are heavy and her disposition is dangerous. She's dressed in a badass leather outfit. Something she requested to be returned upon her awakening.

God had rolled his eyes at that.

She comes upon the spot after a good half hour walk. He sits in the middle of the small clearing. A fairly large tree looks like it's grown through him and he healed around it.

No wonder he hasn't left.

Apart from that he looks perfectly healthy. He sighs, hearing footsteps. He honestly looks bored. How does he eat though? Isn't the tree through his stomach? Or does he have to eat at all.

"You were here two days ago. This is early." He can't see her because of how he's stuck. He's practically laying down with his feet on the ground. In a half lean, head lulled back and staring up at the stars. His arms are crossed over his chest and he acts as if nothing is odd about this situation.

Not that anything is wrong here.

Lucifer moves to stand above his head and leans down.

"Quite a perdicament you've gotten yourself in." He opens his and jumps, well tries to jump, almost headbutting the devil in the process.

"God, you died." His eyes are wide, actually looking scared. Before his cocky demeanour returns.

"Come back for that nice sword? It burned up when you died."

She hums, putting her hands underneath his back.

"This will hurt. Alot."

Lucifer thrusts her hands upward, sending the thousand year old man, up the tree; tearing apart his insides in the process. He cries out, getting stuck again a quarter of the way up.

Blood is streaked all along the tree, and Lucifer got hit in the face. One of his intestines hang out from underneath him, having gotten snagged on a branch stub.

His skin turn pale and his eyes lull into the back of his head, passing out.

Lucifer's wings extend and she rolls her eyes flying up to his new level. She smacks him on the forehead, hard enough to break his neck, but she uses her power to keep him alive.

He gasps, not being able to breath, so he just sits there, head hanging off, eyes bulging and gaping like a fish.

She shoves him up again, almost making it to the top. Lucifer huffs, flicking off bits of his insides from her shirt. More blood sprays everywhere and his head flops violently around at the force. Honestly Asia is surprised that it didn't fall off.

With one last shove he slips messily off the top of the tree. But he gets caught on a large branch on the top. One side of the gaping hole in his stomach hangs on, exposing the dripping mess of guts and blood that falls all the way down to the forest floor.

"Damn, and Dad said to be discreet." She shrugs to herself, grabbing onto one of his legs and rips him off the branch. His neck tears at the movement and his wind pipe is exposed. His head falls back and hangs on by the last piece of flesh that remains attatched.

"Can I use your spine as a stabby thing?" She drops him to the ground and follows shortly after. His head landed underneath his back, hiding it from view.

Her hand finds the chain of vertebra, left exposed now too. Her fingers grip it tightly, becoming stained with scarlet blood. She pulls harshly but only a portion comes out.

She pouts.

"Should have guessed that the tree took out most of it." She looks through the hole in his torso, seeing a tuft of dirt brown hair through it. "Still dissappointing." She tells his head.

Bet he's wishing he was dead now.

"Do your legs work?" She pokes one with the spine. It doesn't move. Of course it doesn't. "Cool."

She slaps one with the side of the spine, watching bruises form through his ripped clothes.

She beats it so hard that she breaks skin. Blood squirts out and she wrinkles her nose.

"Your heart is still connected to those? Cool!" She now realizes that just because his head isn't attached doesn't mean he can't feel that.

But his spinal chord got ripped out. She really doesn't know.

"Ok, ok. I've had my fun. Go on back to hell now." She waves her hand and the still alive Mikael dissappears; back to the throne room where he is immediately treated as a hellhound chew toy.

She looks up at the tree and smiles.

"That is a really effective torture toy." Lucifer slings the spine of the dead man over her soulders and uses it as an arm rest. She snaps her fingers, clearing herself and the spine of blood. "Which way was Cullen house, again?" She mumbles.

Lucifer stalks off into the woods again. Leaving the gruesome scene behind.


That was not what God meant when he said, 'take care of Mikael.' He gags turning away from the image.

Seriously, his daughter has issues.


The Cullen house is alot busier than Lucifer remembers. There are alot of wolves here, and more vampires too. She rolls her eyes, watching from her tree.

Her wings rest down, hanging over the edge. She is shaking the spine in her hand like a maraca, making knocking sounds with the vertebrae.

The group of people fall silent at the sound. Kol and Niklaus look to each other in confusion.

Lucifer giggles lightly, drawing everyone's attention. Renesmee spots her first, gasping.

She points up in the tree, causing the group to follow her gaze.

"Lucifer?!" Bella screeches, pushing her daughter behind her. The group of unfamiliar vampires stare at her uncertainly.

Kol steps forward, a look of awe on his face.


Edward sighs, not questioning her appearance. "Dare I ask where you got that?"

She smirks, winking down at Kol.

"I ripped it out of Mikael's neck."

Kol laughs tearily at that, appearing next to his wife in the tree. He takes the spine from her and tosses it down to Bella's feet.

"Ugh! That's disgusting!" Bella cries snobbishly, taking a step back into Edward and Renesmee.

"Better not go into the woods for a while then."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2021 ⏰

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