
20 2 0

George: hey georgie

King: yes?

George: let's go swimming

King: its after dark are you crazy

George: yes now come on

King: fine


King: *goes outside*

George: *already in the pool*

King: *sits in a chair*

George: get in the pool

King: no

George: fine *swims around*


George: *comes over to the side of the pool* Georgieeee

King: *looks at him* yes?

George: how about skinny dipping? *puts his swimming trunks on the concrete*

King: put those back on.

Georg: nah

King: george washington.


King: you're crazy *getting in the pool*

George: I know

King: *takes his trunks off and goes over to him*


Lee: *getting himself and sam ready for bed notices George and king aren't inside*

Lee: *goes outside and sees them* what are you doing?

George: uh-

Lee: get in the house

headcanons nobody should read pt 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora