a pt 2

21 2 0

George: george i don't want to strip search you for cuts

King: there are no cuts! As much as I don't want to be here right now if I relapsed I would let sammy down!

George: georgie you would let him down..

King: I'm supposed to be there for him. That's all I'm good for. That's my purpose

George: hey no..

Lee: *comes in because he heard him yell*

Sam: *followed him*

King: yes. All I can do is help him.

Lee: georgie remember what your therapist said. Take a deep breath and think of all the small things you do to help around

King: *takes a breath*

headcanons nobody should read pt 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें