
20 3 1

George: Charles. I think we should go out tonight just us two

Lee: no. You need to talk to georgie. Hes been reckless lately

George: is he?

Lee: George. He's been skipping stairs when he comes down for breakfast again. He doesn't notice how hot he turns the water on when washes his hand to make dinner

George: I'll talk to him


George: georgie

King: hm

George: what's been going on

King: with what

George: you. What's wrong

King: nothings wrong

George: tell me

King: I've just been stressed don't worry about it I'm fine

George: let me see your arms

King: no. There's nothing to see

George: *grabs his arm and rolls the sleeves up*

Arm: *just scars*

King: *takes his arm back* see its nothing..

headcanons nobody should read pt 2Where stories live. Discover now