Rey started getting even more worried hearing his reaction, trying to understand what was going on.

"Kylo! Kylo! KYLO!" She yelled through the phone trying to get him to stop his rambling and talk to her. She took the silence on the other end as her cue to speak.

"Is she not with you? Did she not go to your place last night?" He could hear the fear in her voice

"No. I have no idea where she is. I tried calling her cell but it went straight to voicemail."

There was silence. Both of them unsure of what was even happening right now.

"Have you checked her apartment? With Poe?" She finally asked as he could hear the tears filling her eyes.

"No, I haven't. I didn't-" She quickly cut him off.

"I'll check in with Poe. Maybe she's home." She said, though it was more of a question really.

"Ok. I can track her phone. Find out where that is at least, or where it was last. Hopefully, she's with it." He was frantic, getting himself dressed and grabbing his keys while on the phone.

He could hear the sobs from Rey on the other line.

"Don't worry Rey. I'll find her. I'll make sure of it."




He had hopped in his car and drove furiously through the city to the last known address her phone was at. When he pulled up to the bar, his heart started beating fast, a heat rose within him that he had never really recognized before. He almost burst through the doors drawing attention to himself as he searched the room. He didn't see her anywhere. But what he did see was her phone lying on the floor.

He grabbed it, knowing it was dead. He took out his own, pulling up a picture of her and asking around. No one recognized her. No one had seen her. No one knew where she was. The bartender was the last person he asked.

"Sorry, I wasn't working last night. She doesn't look familiar to me."

"Who was working?" Kylo asked, fury in his voice.

"Calm down man. I don't think I can disclose that information anywa-"

"My girlfriend is missing and your bartender might be the only person that could help me find her!" He was livid, desperate. So much so, that he didn't even realize what he had called her just now.

"Okay, okay!" The man gave him the name of the bartender scheduled to work last night. From there it didn't take Kylo long to find an address and he was speeding over to the guys place, faster than he had ever driven before.

When he arrived he didn't even think about what he would say, he only had finding her on his mind. He knocked on the door furiously, numb to the pain in his hand from knocking so hard. He waited for what felt like an eternity for someone to finally come to the door.

The man was large, bulky, and clearly had been drinking. Kylo knew he could easily take him if he didn't get the information he came for.

"Can I help you?" The man asked.

Kylo took out his phone and showed the picture of her to him.

"This girl. She was at the bar you were working at last night. Where is she?" He was seething, anger boiling out of him.

"I'm sorry man I've never seen that girl before in my life."

He was lying. Kylo could see it in his eyes. There was something he wasn't telling him.

Well-Bred  {Kylo Ren x Reader}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن