Chapter 22: Growth & Overhaul!?

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About an hour later all of the council and Inko were present in the council meeting room. Izuku was sitting at the head of the table and looked at everyone. "Dabi has brought some disturbing news to me about a villain group we approached to absorb. They are called the Shie Hassaikai and are lead by a villain known as Overhaul. He sees quirks as a disease that needs to be wiped out and he is doing this via creating quirk erasing bullets and he plans to make a permanent version. He currently has a version that lasts only a few seconds but the problem outside of that is that he is using a little girl as the key ingridenant  due to her quirk." Izuku stated as he showed them all the information. Inko was horrified and she wanted the girl out of there as soon as possible.

"I am... considering going to UA to seek their help on this issue. All operations will keep moving forward but the Shie Hassaikai needs to be dealt with. The problem with us just doing it is the fact that it's in Kanagawa which is 'far' away from our public controlled land. We do have the national diet but it would mean showing our hands if we did a large operation in that area so far away from our publicly controlled land since it would show we have far more abilities than we have let on. Also, the girl's quirk is unstable and could wipe us out of existence so I want Eraserhead on the case to help us and she would go into his and UA's care. He could help control her quirk since she has trauma to needles and she was also being used to make the bullets unlike ours she wasn't but she wouldn't really know the difference." Izuku stated and everyone thought about what Izuku said and soon agreed. Stain spoke up. "Sir, if you are going to UA since you don't use clones due to the issues it could cause then I suggest taking a heavy presence to ensure they don't try to kill you or arrest you during your negotiations." Stain stated and the others all agreed. Izuku didn't really want to look like he was attacking UA so he decided to give Nezu an advanced warning of his trip to UA. "Fine but I will give Nezu an advanced warning so he can come out and greet us instead of being caught off guard. I think he will be smart and not alert the government but he still will be on guard." Izuku stated and they all agreed. That is how they ended up in front of UA. Izuku had sent Toga to go warn Nezu and watching via the bug user was so fun since they all got shocked. 


"Toga, go send a clone to UA and request a meeting for me tomorrow at noon," Izuku said and Toga sent a clone to go do it and used a different face for her clone. Soon the clone arrived outside of the UA gates and pressed the button. Nezu's voice came over and he spoke. "Why hello Verdant member... I'm assuming you're the same individual from before, may I ask why you are here?" Nezu asked in a cheerful tone but Toga could hear the slight tension in his voice from her experience of spy work. "Indeed I am the same and I would like to meet you and your staff. I have a message from the Verdant Emperor for UA." Toga stated and soon two teachers came outside and escorted her inside. After some walking, she found herself in the meeting room and she took a seat across from Nezu. 

"Now may I ask what message the Verdant Emperor wished to be delivered?" Nezu asked and Toga nodded her head. "My emperor would request a meeting with you and your staff at noon tomorrow. We have a proposal that we would like to work with you on in regards to an important matter we discovered." Toga stated and everyone eyes widened. Even Nezu who is known to keeping his emotions in check couldn't since the enemy leader wanted a meeting so far out of their land! "He did want to come with a light guard but some of the other high members didn't want to risk the government getting any bright ideas of trying for his head when he came so far away from our controlled land. As such, he will be accompanied by several advanced teams to ensure his safety. We trust UA won't try anything since it would violate your neutral grounds deal but off the campus is another story when we come and leave. Are you willing to have this meeting?" Toga asked and Nezu was in thought as his entire staff looked at him and wondered what he would do. "Yes, I will have the meeting. I am interested in talking to the Verdant Emperor. Who all may I invite to this meeting?" Nezu asked and Toga said any UA staff was welcomed or those connected with Sir Nighteye agency since it involved his agency. Nezu raised an eyebrow at this and nodded his head. Nezu started to make the calls as Toga's clone left to deliver the news back or rather appear to do so since they didn't want them knowing that they already knew the answer.

Verdant Emperor - Villain IzukuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora