Liv laughed. "A piece of parchment?"

"Not just a piece of parchment," George winked. He gave the papers to Harry, pulled out his wand – and muttered a few words.

Liv, having enough of there boys shit, dragged Fred by the arm as Harry fussed over what seemed to have turned into a map. "How's this going to help me?"

"The plans all set, we just need outside help,"

"Outside help?" Liv grinned. "I know lots of people that would do stuff for me – no questions asked,"

"No, no," Fred shook his head. "None of your friends or.... followers. Someone innocent, someone they'd never suspect,"

"They?" Liv asked. "I thought it was just Draco,"

"Those good old Slytherins – they come as a group," Fred said.

Liv thought for a moment. Harry was smiling up and down between the parchment and George – it seemed as though whatever I was, it was going to help the both make it Hogsmede unnoticed.

Someone innocent. Liv continued to think. She was well respected at school – pretty privilege was definitely a thing, for she'd never spoken to half of the people she'd noticed go out of their way to make her day just that little bit better. But they wouldn't do, they weren't innocent and they wouldn't be able to go unnoticed either. She needed someone irrelevant to her life, but someone who would do this dirty task for her no questions asked.

"Freddie! Freddie!" Liv squealed, and jumped up and down in the air like a child in excitement. "I know just the person!"


"Hey, Colin!"

Using what the Twins had called 'The Marauders Map' Liv had managed to sneak Harry out of Hogwarts, through a long, earthy pathway under the ground and straight into the HoneyDukes cellar. They'd both gasped at the sight, shelves upon shelves of all sweets and chocolates imaginable. She thought about the look on her Father's face if he stepped in this shop with this amount of chocolate.

She eyed around the shop, everyone was either busy chatting with their friends or staring wide eyed at all the candy. When she knew no one had her eyes on her, she quickly shoved a couple chocolate frogs in her coat pocket to being back to her Father. If only she'd had some money to pay for it herself.

Now, Liv was settled in one of the booths at The three broomsticks as Harry ordered the pair two glasses of butter beer from a very attractive bartender. Liv looked away as she began to blush.

As she looked away, her eyes fell upon second-year Colin Creevey, who definitely should not have been out and about in Hogsmede. Second years weren't even allowed to go! He'd probably get in more trouble for being out there than Harry would. Liv called for him, he smiled at the noise of Liv calling his name, and came happily bouncing over.


"What are you doing here?"

"Well, I'm not supposed to be here," he winked and gestured around the bar. "But my Dad works down the road in the Hogs Head, so I'm allowed to come visit him,"

"Right, whatever," Liv responded, remembering the only reason she'd called him over. "Listen, I'll get you Harry's autograph if you meet me outside the girls bathroom on the third floor corridor at –" she looked down at her watch. " – half seven tonight?"

Colins grin grew five times bigger – Liv could practically see his eyes sparkle with excitement. "You'll get me Harry's autograph!"

"Yep – you'll have piece of the chosen one with you forever," Liv tried to sound excited, but really wanted to bash her head into the table about how cringe she was being – but she guessed it was needed to get Colin in on the plan.

Good Girl Gone Bad  [LIV BLACK]Where stories live. Discover now