William: She's at the hotel.

Amy: Great.

Kate: We've got a surprise for you. George and Charlotte don't know about that yet.

Amy: What is it?

— Hey there, brat!

Amy: Oh, my God!

Amy was completely shocked as she felt a back hug and heard one of her favorite voices in the world.

Amy: Aunt Sam! I cannot believe you're here!

Samantha smiled at her niece and kissed her cheeks.

Sam: I missed you so much, little brat.

Amy: I'm so glad you're here.

Sam: You know, given the circumstances of your stubborn mum, I had to come back home and slam her in the face myself.

Amy: So you didn't know about cancer?

Sam: Actually, I knew. She told me some months ago, when we were, you know, taking care of that family stuff. But she got worse and didn't tell me. She just said she needed to deal with a problem here in London and I believed. Now, I'm here, trying to clean up the mess. And I've got some great news, Amelia Elizabeth Alexandra Victoria.

Amy: Don't you dare be suspicious now, Aunt Samantha.

Sam: I've called a friend, who happens to be one of the greatest neurosurgeons in the world, and he is willing to operate your mother. It's a very delicate operation, but I believe we might have some chances.

William: Wow, Sam, that's amazing.

Sam: Yeah, it is. I'm very hopeful.

Kate: Oh, my God!

She screamed and ran away from the room.

Sam: What the hell was that?

William: I"ll go check on her. I think she's just too thrilled.


Two hours later...

William: Your aunt's got a bad headache. She's sleeping now.

Sam: Oh, poor Kate... Maybe I could take Amy to the hospital myself. You know, I'm a grown up successful adult.

William: Harry will hate this idea, and that's exactly why we're doing that. Is that okay for you, Amy?

Amy: Of course. I'll see my mum, and as a bonus, we get to drive my father insane. Isn't that awesome?

William: You're definitely not driving, Samantha. My life flashed before my eyes the last time I had you as a driver. You're going with the driver and our security team. Be careful not to be seen by other people.

Sam: I got it, stubborn Will.

William: You're the stubborn here.

Sam: I love you, too, mate.

Amy: You two are such children.

Sam: I'm going to say goodbye to the kids, then we can go, brat.

Amy: Don't call me brat anymore, Aunt.

Sam: What should I call you then? Daddy's girl? Spoiled girl? Lady? You're so spoiled, babe.

Amy: No, I'm not!

William: You say that as if you weren't spoiled since you were born, Sam. By the way, don't you wanna say anything to your beautiful niece?

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