7. Staying in

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"So you went and met him?"

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"So you went and met him?"

Tammy was currently giving his one year younger cousin a lecture on why she shouldn't go back to things that didn't help her grow. Obviously Jordyn wasn't listening, she only sat on the couch, in her gray hoodie from last night, as it was seven in the morning and Sasha had accidentally let the fact that Jordyn had went to meet her ex last night, slip when she was talking with Leah.

"Yes, Tammy I went and met Nick at a bar" Jordyn rolled her eyes, pulling the grey zip up hoodie closer to her body as she was shivering from the morning breeze.

"Why Jordyn? He's clearly still a child, what? you think just because it's been a year that now he's suddenly ready for a relationship and everything?" Tammy paced back and forth, thinking of ways to get the fact through his cousin's head.

"I know" Jordyn mumbled quietly while she fiddled with the strings of the hoodie, almost dreading the tension this would leave behind.

"Then why? He's nothing but a waste-man, you get that right?" Tammy threw his hands up in frustration as Jadon entered the room with Trent from their early morning practice that Tammy had stormed away from.

"Woah, what in the family feud" Jadon furrowed his eyebrows at the two.

"Nothing" Tammy groaned, knowing that the last thing she wanted was for his mates to find out about something that should've stayed between her and Nick.

Tammy left with a disappointing sigh, Trent following him out since the tension in the air was killing him.

Jadon sighed, sitting down next to her, his arm swung around her shoulder bringing her into his arms as Jordyn huffed and leaned her head on his chest.

Ever since Tammy had made it into the big leagues, Jadon and Jordyn had gotten to know each other, now he was like her brother.

"What happened?"

"I went to meet Nick" Jordyn groaned.

"Tammy's only looking out for you, you know that" Jadon quietly mumbled in her ear when Leah and Tamara entered the room, both happily chatting about the beach and the nice whether this morning.

Jordyn nodded, going back to her room to fall asleep again, since the clock wasn't even nine yet.

A few hours later, Jordyn woke up by the sound of a knock on her door. She managed to sound out a quiet 'yeah' before she slumped down into her pillow again.

"We're going to the beach, you down?" Jadon stood by the door, looking at her with a judgmental look as he saw the state she was in when she woke up from her nap.

"No, I'm not feeling well"

"Sounds right" Jadon snickered and blew her a kiss before he closed the door again and joined the others.

When Jordyn heard the door downstairs close with a slam, she immediately got up and started to make her way down the stairs, still wrapped in her grey blanket.

The door suddenly opened again, causing her to jump up a bit, staring at the person in horror.

"I forgot my glasses" Trent awkwardly walked passed her on the stairs and swung into his room as Jordyn sighed, slumping down on the couch with tired eyes, turning on the tv.

Trent jogged down the stairs, but stopped once he saw how depressed she looked. He let out a quite loud sigh and closed the front door, dropping his bag on the floor and moving into the kitchen to get himself a bowl of yoghurt and granola since he was gonna stay either way. Trent slumped down on the vacant space next to her, his eyes set on the television.

Jordyn looked at him questionably as she switched the Chanel to an old Disney movie.

"What?, Im not in the mood for a sunburn" Trent rolled his eyes, loudly munching on the strawberries he had thrown in.

A stupid grin made it's way across her face, one she couldn't hide either. Jordyn knew that he had stayed for her, which she was grateful for. Who knows what she could've done in an act of loneliness, perhaps going against her cousins word.

After a while into the Princess and the frog, Trent had laid his head down just a couple of inches from her thigh, his feet dangling off the other end of the couch as Jordyn had already scooted the furthest away she could, he was simply too tall for the couch.

Jordyn accidentally let her gaze fall upon him. But she took her time analyzing his face and was amazed by how smooth his skin looked. He had recently gotten a fresh cut, trimming down his curly hair and fading the edges. His lips were looking soft and plump in the sunlight as he licked them in his sleep.

When she finally snapped out of it, she decided to take his finished bowl to the kitchen and leave it in the dishwasher. And then she took her seat again, this time folding her legs so that she wouldn't accidentally literally sit on him.

By the end of the night, both of them were in their separate rooms, ready to fall asleep but were interrupted by their thoughts.

Trent laid with his eyes on the ceiling. Thinking about how his week had played out, better yet how the past couple of weeks had been. Instead of focusing on the beach, the amazing villa, relaxing sound o the wind, Trent had been fully occupied by focusing on the girl he shouldn't be focused on, his friend's cousin.

He thought about that evening, when he laid 'asleep' on the couch, and had felt her gaze on him for a couple of seconds. He wondered what had gone through her head, and why he didn't interrupt with a cocky comment.

Trent turned to his side, sighing as he hated the fact that he got so frozen when she just looked at him.

𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 ; Trent Alexander ArnoldWhere stories live. Discover now