Chapter 28: Special Effects? (Prom Excitement! Pt 3)

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"What!?!" Ashter says as Cadenza nods to Ashter, who stood there shocked at what she said.

"Yep! That means you can go even without a date!" Cadenza says to Ashter who then remembers his new haircut.

"Wow... I... I never would've known-"

"Oh c'mon! You know how much people love Magic nowadays! Besides, I have to study this week anyways." Cadenza says as Ashter shrugs somewhat bummed out on this whole ordeal.

"Fine... Fine. I'll get going then, my mom says I have to come back early today." Ashter says as he rushes off, waving to Cadenza as the two-part ways...

Ashter walks to his house, very much convinced that he's now the unpaid special effects guy. But that means he can fix up his hair... Ashter lifts a bit of his hair as he wants to fix it up a bit, as he enters his home, Zina greeting him happily.

"I heard the news! Congrats on your new little job!" Zina says as she then hugs Ashter,

"You and your date will have an even more magical time!" Zina says as Ashter nervously chuckles, saying.

"Mom... Uh... Cadenza actually needs to study this week...!" Ashter says as Zina pulls away from her son, smiling as she then says,

"Well, either way! You have all of your friends going to Prom! Isn't that exciting!?!" Zina says as Ashter nods, smiling as he then says,

"Hey, mom?" Ashter says as Zina looks at her son, saying,

"Yes, sweety?" Zina says as moments later, Asher's hairstyle was normal again, but was all black except his ears were blue fading to silver at the tips.

"Done and done!" Zina says as Ashter thanked his mom for the change.

"Thanks, mom, I appreciate it-"

"Now hold on there!" Zina says as Ashter was a bit caught off guard, but turns his head as a few minutes later, Ashter's hair grew a bit longer, reaching his neck as Ashter was surprised at how his mom found a Potion like this.

"Wow mom, but don't you use these?" Ashter says, looking at the brew as Zina laughs at the accusation.

"Sweetheart! Luscious hair like this doesn't come with Magic! In fact, since High School, I've been growing my hair out ever since!" Zina says as Ashter nods, thinking as he is seen walking down the stairs as he wore the suit Cadenza helped get him, a black suit with a silver tie as Zina drives him to Sylvana's house.

"Um... Mom?" Ashter says as the two drive to their destination,

"What is it?" She says as Ashter asks,

"Where are we going?" Ashter responds as Zina laughs, saying,

"Well to Sylvana's house of course! We need to show you off to her! She'll absolutely love your new look!" Zina says as Ashter becomes nervous, knowing that one, he doesn't have a date, and two, he can't enjoy the Prom fully. But Ashter has hope as his ears and hair flow with the breeze as his head sticks out the window, calm and somewhat tempted to do something... But Ashter is better than... That as the car stops at Sylvana's house, as he walks out, he is greeted by Garroth and Aaron as they too have almost the same suit as Ashter.

"Hey, Aaron! Garroth! It's so nice to meet you!" Ashter says as Aaron nods,

"Great to see you too," Garroth says as Zina walks the three boys to Sylvana's door,

"You three look so handsome! Your parents must be proud they made children as dashing as yourselves!" Zina says as Ashter says,

"Mom! You're just making this more awkward..." Ashter says as Aaron thanks her,

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