1k Special!

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"Hey guys, it's me, Ashter... That one adult that was meant to be in a more normal life-" Ashter says as a invisible force hits him in the head.

"What the-!?! Hey!" Ashter yells as a voice sighs.

"Just... Get to the questions we have." Says the voice as Asher scoffs as he picks up a paper.

"Now... Thank you to VivKitten for these questions, I would be honored to answer them for you." Ashter says as he looks at the first question.

"Okay, the first question," Asher says as he reads,

"Why did everyone just forget about most of their high school lives?" Ashter says as he scratches his head, he does remember a little about his life in High School.

"Well... Hehe, it's just me and time went on, I did do a lot of potions in my University so that might be a reason I forgot." Ashter says as he does realize everyone else forgot too.

"Now that I think of it... Most of us forgot our High School life... Lucinda and I do remember a lot of times we spent together." Ashter says as the invisible hand claps.

"Great job, you're a natural!" Says the voice as Ashter growls under his breath.

"Whatever! Onto the next question!" Ashter yells as he looks at her paper, before saying,

"Your name is IcicleKun?" Asher says as the voice, that's me, the author, yells,

"DON'T YOU SPEAK TO YOUR GOD LIKE THAT, CHILD." The author says as they clear their throat.

"Just call me Alex." He says as Ashter realizes something.

"Wait... Aren't you the one guy I've been buying stuff from!?!" Ashter yells as the author claps his hands,

"C'mon, we have questions to answer!" The author says as Asher growls, reading,

"Did I forget I was a werewolf in season 1?" Ashter says as he nervously chuckles,

"Hehe... It's... A long story. Well, first, I didn't want to be part of any packs anymore, I slightly remember being the Alpha of my pack in High School and it WASN'T fun. Trust me." Ashter says as ears and tail pop as they were still dyed and pierced.

"See? I still have them." Ashter says as they go away.

"Last question!" Ashter yells as Ashter reads it, chuckling.

"Well, I secretly make sure he doesn't make a whole dang essay on asking. Trust me, my creator has a habit of doing that sometimes-"

"And we're done!" Yells the author as Ashter growls,

"Thank you all SO VERY MUCH for making my milestone of 1K on my first official fanfic! I will be creating more and more for you guys, in hopes to inspire you to do the same! I hope-"

"And see what I mean!?! He'll make essays if he-"

"Shut up, Ashter!" The author yells in the void as Ashter chuckles.

"Goodbye guys, please enjoy this fanfic as much as you hopefully enjoyed the first."

"Okay... He's gone." Says a voice as the voice soon manifests into a clothed person as they were covering their face with a hood, as the same person takes it off to reveal a brown completion of a 17-year-old teen boy with dark brown hair as long as about to their bottom of there shoulder blades with dark brown eyes.

"Hey, it's IcicleKun. The name is Alex for short. And yes! The same Alex from the Mythical Realm, ya missed me??? Anyways, I wanted to say some common questions you guys probably wanted to be answered, no spoilers though! Ashter might see them... Anyways, first question!"

"What's Ashter's age?"

"Well, he is the same as Aphmau in Season 1!"

"Does Asher have an ethnicity?"

"So far... No."

"Is Zina going to make an appearance in MyStreet?"

"Yes. She'll be in Love~Love Paradise soon! Remember, she's Zianna's sister!"

"Does Katelyn know Ashter is a werewolf?"

"No, she must've forgotten him due to time. Katelyn never really hung out with Ashter and he went through a LOT of appearance change in MyStreet."

"What's Ashter's sexuality?"

"I'm still learning about sexualities due to a mistake I made. But Ashter has priorities but isn't interesting to date anyone. Later on, it's shown he is completely into women now."

"Is Asher planning on showing himself to his friends?"

"He doesn't know if they even remember him being a Werewolf, so it'll take a while."

"Why do Ashter's eyes glow when using a specific type of magic or when angered?"

"Ashter's eyes glow from the emotions and magic he's using, red meaning anger and Fire Spells, white meaning focus and Wind Spells, yellow meaning friendliness and Barrier Spells, and Lime Green for his Healing Spells but the color doesn't match Love, it might be changed in the future."

"Is Ashter a master at potions?"

"He's still learning but he can learn higher and dangerous potion brewing."

"What's up with the necklace Ashter wears?"

"It's a special necklace from his biological mother after her disappearance."

"Who's Ashter's father?"

"He doesn't live near Ashter, but it is implied he had black hair and silver eyes as well."

"Who's Ashter's mother?"

"She wasn't really stated on who she was but her name ends with a 'n'."

"Will you make lemons?"

"For all of you who would request that, no, I won't."

"Will you create more side stories and stories that takes place in another universe?"

"Yes, once I am done with the WHOLE series, I'll create side stories and COMPLETELY different ones!"

"And that's all! I hope I have answered a lot of your questions and I hope you all have an amazing day/night, see ya!"

Phoenix Drop High: Ashter's Story (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now