Chapter 15: Crosswind

Start from the beginning

Just then, Hollyfrost entered the nursery. She looked up at Jadekit, then glanced at Crosswind. The expression on her face turned into a frown.

"She needed to know at some point, and the sooner the better."

Hollyfrost remained silent and laid in her moss bed in the corner of the den.

"And maybe one day, you and Mooncross can spend some time with her. Just the three of you," Crosswind suggested.

"You know that Hawkfeather wouldn't be happy with that. I don't even know if he's my mate anymore," Hollyfrost told her through thoughts.

Crosswind didn't say anything, just looked at her with a sad look. "Come on Foxkit, Heatherkit. Time for bed."


Crosswind woke up to a nip on her ear. She quickly opened her eyes to find Hollyfrost standing over her.

"Jadekit is gone."

That one sentence was all it took for Crosswind to jump up and head out into the snow with Hollyfrost.

"Wait, let me get someone," Crosswind whispered and headed towards the warriors' den while Hollyfrost stood there, confused.

She towered over a gray cat. "Mooncross, wake up. You are coming with us."

Before he could answer, Crosswind grabbed him by the scruff and dragged him with all her strength. He jumped up and walked out of the den. Once they were where no one could hear them, Mooncross finally broke the silence.

"What in the name of Spiritclan was that for?"

"We are going to look for your kit; she disappeared during the night," Crosswind responded.

"Probably to run away, like me."

"You are not going to run away! Your kit will need you."

"She has Hawkfeather."

"Hawkfeather will never treat her the same anymore. He won't treat his own kits the same anymore. Or his mate."

"He's not my mate," Hollyfrost snarled quietly.

"You two used to be so close. I'm sure there's room for improvement."

"He hates me now...," Hollyfrost slowed.

"I should go. I need not to be apart of this. I'm sure Jadekit just felt hurt by this and ran away. It's no big deal," Mooncross started to walk back to camp.

"No! You're coming with us! You need to spend time with your family, and bond. You may even like her, since you two are so alike. And this is what you get for what you did!" Crosswind raced to him and grabbed by the scruff, pulling him back.

Mooncross grunted, giving in. "She could be anywhere."

"Shh!" Hollyfrost put her tail over Mooncross's mouth. "I hear something. I'm surprised you didn't hear it, Crosswind."

"Of course I wouldn't be able to hear it over Mooncross's complaining!" she smacked his sand colored ear.

"Crosswind stop! Try to stay quiet, will you?" Hollyfrost growled from ahead of her.

Hollyfrost ducked down and hid behind some pine trees. Crosswind and Mooncross followed closely behind. She saw Hollyfrost stiffen at the touch of Mooncross behind her.

"Try to focus your hearing to see what's going on," Hollyfrost commanded. Crosswind obeyed. She heard whispering of two different voices; one was familiar.

"It's Jadekit. She's with another cat, but I don't know who. I haven't heard that voice before."

"Shadowstar... It's Shadowstar," Mooncross whispered grimly. Crosswind and Hollyfrost both stiffened this time. They all stepped out from behind the trees to get a better view. A dark, translucent figure loomed over the small Jadekit. He was the opposite of the majestic spirits you would see in Spiritclan, and for the first time they saw what Shadowstar looked like. He was a massive, scar-covered, dark calico cat.

He whipped his head around. "You don't have to hide. I could hear all of you. Mooncross...," he slowly took a few steps towards him. "You betrayed all of us. You betrayed me."

Mooncross stood boldly, even though Shadowstar's voice was cold and sharp. "I did it for the better. For my clan, and for the lives of future cats. Following you ruined my life. It ruins everyone's life, as well as my reputation. Cats growl when I step anywhere near them. All because of you!"

Crosswind could feel the anger boiling in Mooncross. He growled ferociously and lunged himself at Shadowstar. The two cats tumbled and Mooncross had him pinned. When he lifted his head to look at Shadowstar, he was gone.

"Don't you dare to even touch her!" Hollyfrost yowled as her fur fluffed out in anger. Shadowstar was standing right behind Jadekit with unsheathed claws held up to her neck. Crosswind could tell how terrified Jadekit was; she was shaking and whimpering with fear. Mooncross just stood there, watching with something in his eyes that Crosswind couldn't read.

"I will let her go if you admit it, Mooncross! Tell us all your deepest fear...," Shadowstar grimaced.

"Admit what?"

"You already know what. Your too scared to tell your feelings! Tell us that you really do care about Hollyfrost and Jadekit! That you love them, and that you miss being under my control, but your too scared that they will get hurt if you follow me, so you decide to leave. But leaving will only make it worse. You just don't want to be there to see your beloved Hollyfrost and sweet little kit suffer," Shadowstar sneered, holding his massive paw closer to Jadekit's neck. Crosswind saw Hollyfrost smile a little at the thought of Mooncross caring for them.

"You lied to Cherryfang about not wanting kits. You even tried to bribe Hollyfrost into choosing you over Hawkfeather by saying things like 'we'll have a beautiful family'. I was there, Mooncross! I was listening-"

Shadowstar was interrupted by a voice yowling from into the depths of the forest, but this time, it was a very familiar voice. A flash of black flew across the air, intercepting with Shadowstar, sending them both tumbling through the undergrowth. Jadekit quickly ran to Hollyfrost, glad to be back in the safety of her mother.

"You!" Shadowstar screeched. "You also betrayed me! It was hard to get through to you, wise Thunderstorm. I even tried to get to you when you were just a little helpless kit! Now, look at you, soon to be clan leader. Father to two litters of kits. You know, being clan leader like me gives you a lot of power. You could control every single cats' decision with one word! But with the right help, of course," Shadowstar still tried to bribe him.

Thunderstorm gave him a hard blow in the face with unsheathed claws, leaving bloody scratches over top old scars across Shadowstar's face. "I'm not going to ever listen to you! I've seen what it has done to the cats I love around me. My mate's brother died under the influence of you!"

"Ah, you mean Wolftail. He has much power within him, like you, except not the same kind. He thinks that one day he can rule the Soulless Void, like me, when he turns against me, and destroys me. But, he will never be as strong as me. He will never learn. Just like you," he pushed Thunderstorm off of him and licked his pelt with class. "Or you, Mooncross. So where were you telling us your deepest secrets?"

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