Chapter 1: Hollyfrost

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  No one knew who really killed the cat-slave. Hollyfrost had been extra careful in hiding her secret. But then Smokesong disappeared the night after the last Gathering. Crosswind had told Hollyfrost and Hawkfeather what had happened, but they didn't know. He was just walking back to his camp, not even to Shadeclan yet, when he mysteriously died. Tension between Shadeclan and Forestclan is growing. The other clans or cats except Crosswind, Thunderstorm, Lightningstrike, Riverwave, Hollyfrost and Hawkfeather, didn't know what had happened to Smokesong. Shadeclan, of course, thought that it had to have been Forestclan, but they didn't find Forestclan scent on their territory or see Smokesong wander out of camp. Thunderstorm and Lightningstrike had buried their father between the two clans. Now everyone was watching for anything that could have caused Smokesong's death.

Mooncross had been very quiet around Hollyfrost and Hawkfeather, and never made eye contact with them. Hollyfrost had tried to talk to him, but he never listened. She hated that she broke his heart, and just wanted everything to go back to the way it was when they were kits. Nothing to worry about, their mother's comfort keeping them protected, and always played games.

Over snow-fall, Burngaze got really weak and died, which devastated everyone. Hollyfrost and Hawkfeather especially loved hearing her stories from the past. Shimmerheart hurt most of all. They had been friends since they were both born. They spent their lives in the Elder's' den together. That's probably how me and Crosswind are such good friends since Arrowstar and Burngaze were siblings, Arrowstar and Fallonmoon had Lavenderwhisper, then Lavenderwhisper had Crosswind and her siblings. Shimmerheart and Mouseshadow had Snowrock and his siblings, and then Snowrock and Mistfur had me and Wolftail and Mountainfern.

Arrowstar had realized how old he actually was ever since his sister died. He was on his last life. Hollyfrost would feel relieved after Arrowstar was gone, she guiltily admitted.

After Hollyfrost had come back from the hunting patrol and put the prey in the fresh-kill pile, she stopped by Crosswind and her kits.

"Hollyfrost is back!" Pebblekit squeaked excitedly to his siblings. Hollyfrost usually came to visit the kits when she had time and play with them. Crosswind would always say "well, it keeps the kits busy so they're not bouncing off of the den walls".

"Try to keep your voices down, your mother and Silverwind and her kits are trying to sleep. They are always very tired at the end of the day from y'alls nonsense," Hollyfrost joked. She enjoyed playing with the kits. They are always a lot more energetic than Silverwind's kits. Ashkit, one of Silverwind's kits, died along with Burngaze. She has been working really hard with her other two kits. Hollyfrost didn't have to worry about accidentally squishing one of them because of her size. Hawkfeather sometimes came to join, but usually just watched. He was too worried about accidentally hurting one of them.

"Yes, Hollyfrost," they all recited at the same time.

"How about we all go somewhere else in camp so we don't bother the others? And maybe Hawkfeather can join in this time," she led them out of the camp.

"Yay! Hawkfeather is fun to play with. I just wish he would play more often, though. And it's kind of lonely staying in the nursery because of Reedkit and Breezekit never want to play with us. Maybe you and Hawkfeather could have kits so we can all have fun!" Iriskit chirped.

Hollyfrost felt embarrassed. "Oh, I don't know about kits yet. Us having kits is up to him."

They found a clear spot in the camp and saw Hawkfeather padding towards them.

"I see you're with the kits again," he smiled.

"They're fun to play with. And Iriskit has a question for you," she nudged her forward with her tail.

"Oh, no. What is it?" Hawkfeather laughed.

"Do you want to have kits with Hollyfrost?" she had a mischievous look on her face. Hollyfrost let out a nervous laugh.

Hawkfeather looked at Hollyfrost for a moment. "All I can say is that if I'm the father of any kits, they'll be from Hollyfrost," he smiled at Hollyfrost with a loving look.

"Ewww!" they all said at the same time with a disgusted look on their face.

"Someday, the three of you will grow up and find a mate of your own. Maybe even have kits," Hollyfrost lightly grazed her tail over the three kits.

"It's too early to be thinking of that now," Shadowkit mewed.

"Hollyfrost and I were actually starting to fall in love at the same age as you three are now. Same with your parents," Hawkfeather still smiled.

"That's gross," Shadowkit scrunched up his face.

"Hey, for 5 moons old, and thinking about the future, it wouldn't be surprising if you kits are already thinking about it too," Hollyfrost rolled her eyes.

"Absolutely not," Pebblekit made a grossed out look. Shadowkit looked down at the ground. Iriskit nudged him.

"Brother? What's wrong?" she asked him with concern in her voice. With having two brothers, she seems to keep them in line. Like how I used to do to Mountainfern and Wolftail.

"That may not all be true. For you and Pebblekit, maybe, but not for me," Shadowkit told Iriskit, then looked at Hollyfrost and Hawkfeather. "I like Breezekit... But don't tell anyone! Especially my parents."

Hawkfeather looked at Hollyfrost and laughed, "we won't. We promise, right Hollyfrost?"


Crosswind came walking up right as she said that. Uh oh. Trouble.

"Did you take my kits?" she seemed upset but had a hint of playfulness in her voice.

She has gotten better at hiding her feelings and emotions. Wonder why she does it so much. "You were sleeping and we didn't want to wake you or Silverwind or Reedkit or Breezekit, so we took them outside. Plus Thunderstorm is out on patrol-."

"I know where my mate is," Crosswind snapped. "Kits, let's go. Let's leave Hawkfeather and Hollyfrost alone."

"Yes, mother," the kits said in unison.

What's gotten into her. She's all offensive when me and Hawkfeather play with the kits. She knows that we love them just as much as her and Thunderstorm.

Before she could say anything to Hawkfeather, Crosswind came out of the nursery. At the same time, Thunderstorm walked into the camp with his border patrol, lead by Valleybreeze, Sootrain, and Redflower. When he saw Hawkfeather, Hollyfrost, and Crosswind, he came over. He could immediately tell there was tension.

"Now what is going on here?"

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