Lightning upon us | Dazai X Reader

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"On the day of the storm
Lightning crashes down
You can run but never hide
On that day we all die"

It was raining for two days straight, it's like the clouds wanted to drown us all, but at the same time it brought peace to the streets

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It was raining for two days straight, it's like the clouds wanted to drown us all, but at the same time it brought peace to the streets.
Drops of water covered the windows of the cafe you were currently sitting at.
You listened to the rhythm of the falling rain. "This mesmerizing sound needs no translation, it's wonderful and nostalgic, so calming and refreshing." You also tried to distract yourself from thinking about him. "Oh Dazai, why are you on my mind all the time?".
You just met him a few months ago on a mission when your boss, Ango Sakaguchi, wanted to help the Armed Detective Agency. Mr. Sakaguchi struggled to make up for the mistakes he made in the past. For his lost friend, Sakunosuke Oda, who was an example of a great human begin, but that man was no longer with us, he was no longer human. Now he was just a tomb under a tree where his best friend came to sit with him like in the good old times. It crushed your heart when you saw Dazai in pain remembering him, but if Oda didn't die, the man that you now love and wait to show up at this cafe will be still a criminal. Nothing is fair in this world.

Your thoughts disappeared when the door opened and your body shivered from the cold, but your heart melted at the sight of Dazai approaching you with a happy face.

"Good afternoon, (Y/N)! It's a nice day to go outside and die. Maybe the rain will drown me, who knows?"

"Ah, I see, you're still a suicidal maniac. However, your foolish idea must wait. I got the package you've been asking for. Ango was reluctant at first but I managed to convince him to let me give it to you."

"Thank you, darling. But how you did it? Spill the tea."

"It wasn't easy. I had to promise that I'll start using my ability more often. When it's necessary, of course."

"(Y/N), you are still afraid to use it? I understand that it brings bad memories but you have to try to move on. Your ability is really useful..."

"Sorry Dazai, but it scares me to manipulate it. I don't want to hurt anyone. What if I can't control it properly?"

"I'm sure you can do it and if something goes wrong I'll be there for you, no matter what." He said that while holding your right hand. You both smiled at each other and that moment seemed unreal. He cared about you and you felt that.

The sweet moment didn't last long because the sound of a machine gun broke the silence, followed by shattered glasses thrown at your table.

"(Y/N)! ARE YOU OK?"
Because of the shock, you just nodded at him.

"Thank god! Just stay here, I'll go outside to see what happened."
You wanted to stop him but it was too late. He rushed to the door and outside a group of armed people pointed guns at him

"Dazai! You bastard! You really thought we'll forgive you for what you did? We don't care that you are no longer in the port mafia! You need to pay for what you've done and I'm not talking about money. Say goodbye to this world, bitch!"

You couldn't believe your eyes, those men were ready to kill Dazai without a single hesitation or remorse.
You had to use your ability to save him, even by meaning to murder all of them. Running or doing nothing wasn't an option and the weather was in your favor. So, you went outside shouting:

"I'll never let that happen! Ability: LIGHTNING UPON US!"
At your will, deadly lights materialized from the sky striking the men who tried to kill your loved one.
You felt so powerful, like a god who had no limitations! That feeling vanished when you saw the dead bodies lying on the wet street. You were no longer in control of your ability and flashes of lightning started to hit the buildings. Dazai pulled you in his arms and stopped the madness you've created. Tears dropped from your scared eyes as he held you tight. 

"I'm so sorry. I couldn't stop it! If you didn't have your ability I've could kill you by accident alongside innocent people!"

"Don't think about that, (Y/N). You saved my life and I'm so grateful for that. It's alright now, you are in my arms and nothing bad will happen. I'm the one who should apologize, I wasn't careful enough. All of this is a result of my ignorance, don't blame yourself."
His apology ended with a kiss on your soft lips, leaving you in a sensation of protection.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2021 ⏰

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