The In-Between | Fyodor X Reader

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Agatha, Fyodor, Edgar, Ranpo X Reader

Author's note: This story was inspired by the song "The In-Between" (In This Moment) and also by the story "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" (Edgar Allan Poe). Enjoy! ^^

(y'all remember Agatha Christie? She appeared in the manga & Dead Apple movie)

"Oh, I can feel a holy war
I can feel a holy war within
In between, in between
I'm between hell and heaven "

"Agatha knows everything! She is always right, always two steps ahead of everyone. What can I say? She has no equal!" That's what you thought when you joined the Order of the Clock Tower until you met him, and immediately you realized a cruel truth, that in this twisted world no one is safe.
You saw in him the same arrogance and the same cunning eyes she has. They seemed alike yet different. It was a strange feeling that you couldn't describe or even comprehend when you looked into his violet eyes.

Your "awakening" and the thought of this conclusion started with a mission in Paris, France. Ms. Agatha Christie gave you the opportunity to prove yourself and be useful for once.
"Dear (Y/N), I received a letter from a gentleman named C. Auguste Dupin who declares he has information about the Guild and some ability users from Yokohama.
So, I give you one golden opportunity to meet with him and gather this information."
She implied that you were the only one who can complete this task. However, you knew this was a lie, the ugly truth was that you were replaceable, and she was cautious to not lose one of her precious members. It was her best choice to send an insignificant pawn to the battlefield.
Of course, you couldn't refuse her. After all, she was the only one who gave you a helping hand and "a purpose" in her "game of chess".

Then you found yourself walking with small steps towards a building located in the Rue Morgue, a street in Paris, where you agreed to meet with that man, Dupin. It was after midnight, the leaves crunched beneath your feet and your nose burned in the frigid air. It was quiet, too quiet for your taste because you didn't like the silence. You recalled the moments when things were in your favor, but in a flick of a switch, the worse things struck against you. You know what they say: "The calm before the storm."

After erasing your anxiety from your mind you entered a narrow room filled with an odd smell of old books, but instantly your attention was directed at three young men standing beside the window. The glint of light showed their features. The first man, who had his arms crossed, looked directly at you ready to speak. However, the other guys were looking like some protagonists from a mystery novel. One of them had a cute raccoon on their shoulder but he did not pay attention to his surroundings, he just stared at the wooden floor while holding a book. The last one was eating some snacks, he looked way too calm for this kind of situation. Then a refined french accent broke the silence

"Bonsoir mademoiselle! I'm honored to meet you! My name is C. Auguste Dupin, I'm the man who sent the letter! I know I said I'll be alone but I had to lie mon chéri! My deepest apologies! Oh, where are my manners? This gentleman is Edgar Allan Poe, a great friend of mine!" He said while pointing at the man with the raccoon. "And..."

"Name's Ranpo Edogawa, the greatest detective in history. And you must be (Y/N), right?"

"Y-yes. How did you know that?"

"Well, I've already told you. I'm a great detective."

"Excusez-moi! Sadly, we don't have time for a chit chat. I've gathered you all here to give you information, not on what I said in the letter but about THAT DEMON! Listen carefully, the world depends on your organizations now! So, the terrorists..."

Suddenly, a knocking sound interrupted the Frenchman, making Edgar jump in fear.

"Oh! Don't tell me, those little trouble-makers came here to destroy this place again! I won't let them this time" He immediately rushed to the door while mumbling something under his breath.

"WAIT! DUPIN! DON'T OPEN THE ..." Ranpo said in a concerning voice with his eyes wide open, letting his snacks drop on the floor.

It was too late.

A single finger was enough to make the poor man fall in his puddle of blood. It was so fast that it seemed unreal. Just a second ago he existed then with a blink of an eye he turned in nothingness. Everything became silent. Again the silence appeared to kill yet another person. That silence haunted you for so many years. Regardless of what happened your knees felt weak as a figure entered the room bringing after him the smell of death.

"Please excuse my sudden interruption, but I won't let a sinner to erode the path which leads to the promised land." The man spoke in a Russian accent with a grin on his face. That smile wasn't normal, no, he wasn't normal. Still, his voice was modulated.
You stared at this man and for a second you saw in his cold eyes a familiar aura. You've seen it before when you first met Agatha, yet his hair reminded you of a raven's feather.
Regardless of his weak appearance, his presence was heavy.

"I'm Fyodor Dostoevsky, the..."

"We know RAT! Stop acting like you are someone important. Also, wipe off that grin." Ranpo said looking directly at him with an anger that you can not explain. His bubbly personality changed into someone who seemed deeply hurt. After that, you realized that they meet before or maybe they had a conflict in the past. You turned to Edgar who was trembling in fear, trying to protect his raccoon.

"Detective, please don't be rude! We have a new guest among us. I'm so glad that Ms. Christie has sent you here." His grin was growing wider and wider with every word he said while moving towards you.

"(Y/N), you are the reason, besides this miserable sinner who received salvation, I had to come personally in this dreadful place."

"What, what do you mean?...... I- I don't know what's going on?

"Ah, I see...It's exactly how I predicted. My dear angel, I know your soul is not tainted, even though you've been told so. You were surrounded all your life by evil but never touched by it."

You didn't know what he meant by that but it felt like he understood you better than you do.

"She lied to you. You are not just a simple pawn, your role it's much substantial. I have all the answers to your questions. Just take my hand and join me."

"(Y/N), don't listen to him! He's the king of liars. It's funny how in reality he preaches damnation!"

"Ranpo, I.." Your tears stopped you from saying anything. But Fyodor continued with a sinister smile.

"One the contrary, detective, I'm an extension of God.....I'm God himself!"

What were you supposed to do? You wanted answers about yourself and the people you thought you knew, on the other hand, you couldn't recognize the liar. Dupin knew something important and know he was laying on the floor with his soul gone from this world.

You were in between, in between hell and heaven.


I hope you liked it! English is not my mother tongue, so I had a really hard time trying to find good words. I'm aware that there can be grammar mistakes or something like that. I'm so sorry!

If you want me to write something similar or completely different, don't hesitate to tell me.

Have a nice day. Loveeee youuu.

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