Supporting Him

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That Sunday, Hiraeth noticed that her dad still had not returned from the night before. She started to worry because she knew he wouldn't be okay if he wasn't home soon. Of course he was a stupid drunk but she still loved him even if she told herself she didn't, that was her dad for Christ's sake. Although she was worrying about him, she thought that Dakota and herself would be completely fine. She was a legal adult after all and could legally be Dakota's guardian. She could get a job, she had her license and a vehicle, she could basically do anything. Other than buy alcohol, that can't happen for another three years. Yes, she was worried about her dad, but she knew things couldn't get any worse. Yes, she was worried, but she was more so anticipating the concert that would be happening in 19 days.

One Direction decided to take the USA on first so that when they got back to the UK, they could be in their home country and not have to go across the world to come back. Yeah, didn't really make sense to Hiraeth either.

Her anticipation got the best of her. She got her laptop and tried to see which songs would be playing so she could prepare, maybe she would have to cry. Unfortunately, she couldn't see which songs they were playing but she could see how many they would play.

25 songs will be played at the One Direction reunion concert in Maine. Each band member will play 2 of their solo songs, both of their choice. Can't wait to see you there!

is what the website read.
Damn that's a lot of songs! How long is the concert? Hiraeth thought to herself.

She ser her laptop down and got off her hed for the first time that morning. Usually she wouldn't get up for about 2 hours but it had been only 15 minutes, personal best I'd say. Hiraeth walked to Dakota's room and knocked on his door.

"Yeah?" Dakota asked from the other side of the door.

Hiraeth opened it and made her way to his bed. "You wanna go do something?"

"Like what?" Dakota questioned.

"We could go to the skate park" Hiraeth suggested. She wanted to spend time with Dakota because she knew that he felt as though she didn't care. She did, she just didn't know how to show her feelings very well. She had always kept to herself after the incident and that prevented her from showing how she felt. He is her brother, of course she cared.

"Sounds fun" Dakota smiled. He stood up and grabbed his skateboard, walking out of his room. Hiraeth had walked back into her room to change her clothes before meeting Dakota back in their family room. Once they were both ready, they went outside, locking the door behind them.

"Well" Dakots began, "let's go." He said it in a rushing time though it wasn't meant to be heard like it.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," Hiraeth responded.

They skateboarded in the middle of the road, moving out of the way when a car came by, laughing and talking, screaming to songs that played through their heads, joking about everything yet nothing, just loving every second of it.

Soon, they were finally at the skate park. They departed and did their own thing, tricks and things of such. They were just having a great time. Around 1:45, they had been there for almost 2 hours and Dakota seemed like he was worried about something so Hiraeth skated over to him, stopping just in front of him.

"Dax? You okay?" Hiraeth asked worried.

"Oh uhm...not really. I really need to talk to you about something, Ray." Dakota said solemnly.

"Yeah, yeah of course" Hiraeth agreed.

They sat down together before Dakota began talking.

"There's something I've really been wanting to tell you. Just promise me you wont tell dad."

"If you're not comfortable with him knowing, he won't find out." Hiraeth reassured Dakota.

"Uhm...I think I might be pansexual..." Dakota told his sister, not sure how she would respond.

"Dax... that's amazing" Hiraeth responded before hugging him tightly. "Thank you for telling me," she said with her head on her shoulder.

"And I'd be more comfortable if you would use he/they pronouns when referring to me, please." Dakota told Hiraeth. He may be 15, but they have finally discovered who they really are.

"Yeah, of course Dakota. As long as you're comfortable with who you are. If you'd like me to call you by another name, that's completely fine too."

"Actually, I think I like my name, but I just wanted to let you know about my pronouns and sexuality. I actually have a boyfriend..." Dakota told Hiraeth, smiling at the thought causing himself to shy away.

Hiraeth squealed as soon as she heard it. "Ahhh you have a boyfriend!! I wanna meet him" Hiraeth drug out her words.

"Soon, I promise." Dakota said to his sister.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Hiraeth asked.

"Of course" they replied.

"I'm bisexual, been in the closet for 4 years now."


"Yup. Good to know I can be out now. Well, limitedly out."

"Can we go home? I'm starving."

"Good idea, Dax."

And with that, they were on their way home.


The next 16 days were going by so much slower than most days but so much had happened. Hiraeth's dad had actually come home and hadn't drank for a few days, surprisingly, she had met Dakota's boyfriend, she had landed her first ever Gazelle Flip, Harry had turned 27, and it was now three days before the concert. Today was the day she was leaving for the concert. Though it was only about 3 miles from her house, she wanted to be there extra early. She didn't understand why, she'd never been to a concert before, but it was what people did. She had some things with her for the next few days. Hiraeth walked into the kitchen to get some snacks for the next few days, only to see Dakota smiling like an idiot at their phone.

"Is it Will?" Hiraeth poked fun at Dakota. Will is Dakota's boyfriend and one of his best friends. Hiraeth met him in the past but she didn't know he would wind up being Dakota's boyfriend.

"Yeah..." Dakota trailed.

"Hmm well I'll leave you to it. I'm just getting some snacks and my skateboard then I'm gonna head off to the stadium." Hiraeth said before shoving snacks in her bag. She had everything from goldfish and granola bars to water bottles and juice boxes. You're never too old to eat like a child, snacks are snacks. After the snacks were in her bag, she rushed to get her skateboard and her few posters, then paced to the door, Dakota standing there waiting.

"Be careful. Promise me, you'll be careful," Dakota warned her.


"I love you" Dakota said, pulling Hiraeth into a tight hug.

"I love you more, Dax. Be safe, okay?" Hiraeth said opening the door.

"Yeah, I will. Bye" Dakota waved to Hiraeth as she left the house.

Soon, but not soon enough, Hiraeth got to the stadium.

Whoop whoop that's 7 chapters finished!!

I'll try to  update as quickly as possible and I'll try to make each chapter longer. The next few chapters are gonna be the concert but please keep in mind that I have no clue how concerts work.

Please remember that this is a safe spot for everyone. You can always talk to me if you need to. My tiktok is derry_things , it's the only account I can dm on, my backup is and my secret 1D account is tommothe.tease

I love you all! Go get some sleep, drink some water, do that project you've been procrastinating.


Rainbow In The Storm || DISCONTINUED ||Where stories live. Discover now