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Hiraeth Carter. A 18 year old girl who has already been through hell and back at such a young age. The loss of her grandparents, mom, childhood bestfriend, and even her boyfriend have greatly impacted her life. She has been diagnosed with many mental illnesses that have just added to the horribleness of her life. She finds her happiness in one thing. One Direction.

When Hiraeth's life reaches an all time low, One Direction saves her life for the fourth time. But how?

Mention of suicide
Mention of abuse
Mention of self harm
Mention of many metal illnesses
Mature language

A/N: Please tell me if you would be interested in reading further. There will be many sensitive topics in this story so I went ahead and gave a trigger warning. If you ever need to talk, I'm here. I love you all, have a wonderful day/night!

Rainbow In The Storm || DISCONTINUED ||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ