1.60 Working with the boys

Start from the beginning

Then he scared the people.

They started to run away, screaming. 

Ogron "Why do you bother defending these humans? Their destiny is already sealed. When the power of the last fairy on Earth is in my hands, then the Wizards of the Black Circle will rule the world! "

He vanished. 

I flew over to Roxy and captured her into a bubble "Dragon Swing!"

She flew over to me in the bubble before i let her down again. 

Stella "Roxy, are you all right?"

Roxy "I'm perfectly fine. Thank you. Oh! A part from the fact that I hate flying."

Ogron" Oh, but you'll be flying with us, one last time into the Black Circle!"

Suddenly He sent an energy beam at Stella which made her crash into the wall. 

I flew over to her "Stella!"

Then i helped her up. 

Flora asked confused " Where's Roxy?"

Ogron walked over to Roxy "That'll all depend on you, Roxy. This ends now. Surrender. Let the opening appear. Let the doors to the Black Circle open wide, now!"

They created a black circle. 

The energy wave hit us. 

Anagan"She gave up everything to save her dog. For a powerful fairy, she's not very smart."

Stella "We need to do something, now!"

Artu started to bark. 

Stella "We need to break the Wizard's magic link."

Tecna "We need to combine action to close the door."

Bloom" Then we'll use our Believix attack powers in a Magic Convergence! "

We flew into the air. 

We attacked the portal but it threw us back. 

Roxy ran to us " Are you alright? Because I mean, you can't leave me now that I know I'm a fairy."

Me " Well, it's about time. Sure took a lot to convince you."

Ogron "How touching. You don't mind if we join you?"

He created a beam that pulled Roxy back into the circle. 

Suddenly the circle broke. 

I looked up and saw our guys on the roof of a building. 

Nabu "May we partake as well?"

Layla smiled " Nabu! It's nice to see you again!"

Nabu "Are you alright, Layla?"

Layla smiled "Yes, now that you're here, I am."

Stella " Layla, don't make such a big fuss. We were doing just fine all by ourselves."

Brandon " Really? Looked to me like it was just the opposite."

Gantlos attacked the boys but the jumped out of the way. 

Nabu "You never learn, do you?"

Sky " If you want to mess with the Winx, sooner or later, you're gonna have to deal with the Specialists."

Riven yelled as he attacked Duman  "Attack!

The guys attacked the wizards. 


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