13 - model citizen

Start from the beginning

The elevator dinged, and before the could doors open, and without thinking, Hawks grabbed both of my shoulders and moved me to the side, pulling me closer to him. As soon as the doors opened, four or five people rushed out of the elevator, not caring if they bumped into someone. I told Hawks a quick 'thanks' before pushing myself away from him. We got into the elevator and Hawks pressed the 7th floor button.

"What's your next question?" Hawks suddenly asked and then said, "you just got one more questions after this one."

"Can you pay for lunch today?"

Hawks was thrown off by my question. "If that really going to be one of your questions?" I nodded, making him chuckle. "Yes, I'll pay for lunch. Was going to do it either way, so you just wasted your turn."

"Darn," I sarcastically said.

The elevator stopped at the seventh floor and as soon the doors opened, Hawks was pulled by his shirt by a petite woman. She was yelling at him, telling at him that he was late to the appointment, all while insulting him in a different language. Seems like this was a usual thing for her because Hawks was unfazed by her words, and would answer back in the same language. I quickly followed after them and hoping I wouldn't get lost on the way. They finally went into a room with double doors and I quickly slipped in before the doors closed. It was a large studio, with a huge white background at the back of the room and fluorescent lights everywhere. Hawks was quickly being taken to where the makeup counters and clothes were at. I stood there, awkwardly, not knowing what to do. Part of me wanted to leave, but the part of me that wanted to see him model was really curious and stubborn.

"Hi," a soft voice said next to me, "I've never seen you here before."

a/n: this next part of the chapter will be in hawks' pov instead in ur pov. just wanted to spice it up a bit. it's still the same scenario, just diff pov. also, let me know if u like reading in hawks' pov. that's all ✌︎︎

"Such a pretty eyes," the makeup artist said as he was putting on the eyeliner, "and such a pretty face, too."

I tried my best to not move while chuckling softly. "Stop, you're going to make me blush."

After he finished, he let me look at myself in the mirror. Once he was satisfied with his work, he left to work on the other model for the shoot. From the mirror, I could see Y/N standing there, looking around, not knowing what to do. She really is cute. Then Akito, another model, one that I never got along with, stood next to her, wanting to strike a conversation with her. And he did.

"Hi Hawks!"

"Hi Uwabami," I smiled at her as she was powdering her nose, "haven't seen you in a while."

Uwabami pouted her lips. "Where have you been? I missed working with you!"

I looked back at the mirror, wanting to catch a glimpse of Y/N again. "I've been busy, to say the least."

"Oh? Is that a lovestruck smile that I see?" Uwabami's voice was teasing.

"Hawks, Uwabami, Akito" the assistant to the photographer yelled out, "you're needed on set!"

As we walked to the white backdrop, Uwabami nudged me and asked me who I was dating and when is she going to meet the lucky girl. I told her that I wasn't dating anyone, but didn't tell her that there was someone who caught my eye. Before she could ask who it was, I walked over to where Akito and Y/N were at. Y/N was the first to notice me, immediately complimenting me on the look, then adding a side comment to her compliment, making me roll my eyes playfully. Akito was about to talk to Y/N again, but I made one of my feathers drag him to the white backdrop.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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