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Hermione and Draco woke up early, and they heard someone vomiting, the two of them went to the kitchen and saw Lily.

"Hi Draco, Hermione, this must be a disgusting sight to see" Lily said, and Hermione shooked her head.

"No it's not we've seen worst" Hermione said, and Lily smiled at the two of them.

"Lily, how about this you rest the whole day, while me and 'Mione will cook, so you can relax" Draco offered and Hermione beamed, "I wish I can, but—" Hermione cutted her off.

"We're not guests, and pleas we can help around here" Hermione said, and Lily smiled.

"Thank you" She said before hugging the two.

The two of them started to cook breakfast, and someone began to help them they looked at the side and saw James Potter.

"Isn't that to big for you?", James said pointing at Hermione's sweater, that had a big letter 'H' on it, it was a Weasley sweater, and it was Harry's.

"And that's to small for you", He said now pointing at Draco, who was wearing a sweater with the letter 'L' on it.

"This aren't ours" Hermione said, as they cooked breakfast.

"Who owns it then?" Sirius asked who took one of the bacon, while Remus shooked his head and sat down beside Sirius.

"Our friends" They replied remembering the times where they would swap sweaters.

"I can't believe my boyfriend acts like a five year old" Remus said, and the two weren't that surprised.

"Well I think the two of you are a great couple" James said.

"Hey thanks for doing all the chores here" James said as Draco was washing the dishes.

"No problem" Draco said with a smile, and James smiled back at him.

As they were doing the chores around the house, Draco and Hermione knew that they need to at least start with their mission.

"Who are we supposed to find first?", Hermione asked as the two of them sat on the couch.

"Wait" Draco said, as he took a velvet photobook from his satchel.

"What help would that bring?" Hermione asked with a raised brow.

"Well she said use this when they finally find our real identity, in other words 'Mione, Lyra isn't that dumb to, leave it just for that, look" Draco said, he opened the photobook, and a blank page greeted them

"There's a note" Draco said giving it to Hermione, "Read in between the lines?" Hermione read out, and the book started to flip itself.

Talk to Uncle Regulus

The two of them closed the photobook when someone walked in the room.

"What's that?" Remus asked as he sat down beside them.

"Just a photobook" Hermione said, and the boy nodded.

"Um, Pro— I mean Remus, where can we find Sirius?" Draco asked, "He's by the porch" Remus said, and the two of them went to the porch.

As they approached Sirius, the boy grinned at them, he was much different than the Sirius they knew, this Sirius was happy, truely happy, and you can see that in his eyes, the Sirius who was with them, was Happy, but in the same time, you can't see it in his eyes.

"Sirius" Hermione spoke.

"Hey" He said to the two.

"Can we ask you a favour?" Draco said, and Sirius looked at them, with a smile.

I'm Your Daughter (Sirius Black's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now