Shiro was awkward and introverted before the accident, and now he was horrified of the aspect of going to a place full of other people he couldn't see. 


Shiro yawned, more of theatrical things to get Natsu to giggle than a real thing, but he stretched as he came out of his bedroom with the little girl. Despite not actually being siblings Natsu had attached herself to Shiro the second he moved in with them, claiming him as her own.

Emica smiles at her daughter hanging off the taller male, watching as he slowly made his way over to the dining table to set her down. 

Natsu didn't start school until the next day, so she was mostly just up to spend a little time with them instead of getting ready. Shoyo was already in uniform, eating breakfast and talking animately. Natsu and Shiro were still in their pajama's though.

 It was alright though, Shoyo would bike to school today and Emica would drive Shiro in a little later and would continue to until the attachment they'd ordered for Shoyo's bike would arrive. It wouldn't be much of an issue anyways, Miyabi had recently moved to Japan for a better job opportunity and her husband had offered to drive Shiro around. They always had options in case of emergencies.

"I'm going!" Shoyo yelled as he raced over to change his shoes, Shiro flinching at the loudness of his voice. It was far too early in the morning to deal with that much yelling.

Emica went and fussed over her son's hair for a moment or two, Shoyo looking embarrassed the entire time drawing a sleepy giggle from Natsu, before shooing him out the door. Shiro shot him a sleepy "See you there", going back to his food a moment later.

Shiro was then shooed off to get ready himself. Black dress pants, a tank top and a grey hoodie, and the uniform jacket overtop. He brushed his hair before pulling it back in a messy bun-like shape and brushed his teeth. Socks, sunglasses, a foldable cane in his pocket, and a bag over his shoulder he was mostly ready to go.

"Shiro!" Natsu giggled, pulling at the hem of Shiro's jacket. Mostly used to this now Shiro put his bag on the floor before slowly lowering himself to the ground, Natsu gently taking away his glasses.

She giggled again, slim fingers finding their way to scarred skin that could hardly feel what she was doing. She placed one kiss on the middle of his forehead before putting one on each eye. "You're beautiful Shiro, don't let anyone tell you you're not!" she demanded her voice firm and leaving no room for argument.

Emica watched from the doorway with tears in her eyes. When she'd been called to adopt Shiro she hadn't known what to expect, she hadn't been the closest to her brother and while Shoyo and Shiro were friends over the phone she didn't know how Natsu was going to take to him.

This was beyond any of her wishes.

"Come on Natsu," she said softly as she offered the young girl a jacket. Natsu would be going to daycare for the day until she was done with work, Shiro and Shoyo most likely having to stay late due to club activities.

Emica watched as Shiro pulled on his shoes and made sure he had everything, hoping that her brother was proud of what his son had become.


"I apologize but I don't understand." Shiro tilted his head slightly, and even though he was blind he could tell the man before him was rolling his eyes.

"We don't offer a bus system that far out, and if you'd have read the pamphlet we mailed to you you would have known this." The man was just...rude. That was probably the politest way to explain it; he was just plain rude.

"Sir," Shiro sighed lightly, shoulders slumping down more than usual, "I couldn't read the pamphlet because it wasn't in braille." The man seemed startled at that, the air lapsing into an awkward silence for a moment or two. 

I'm Blind, Not GlassWhere stories live. Discover now