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Since the night of JJ and Aaliyah basically confessing their feelings for each other, things between the two were going pretty good. They decided not to get together right away but, wait some time just to date casually. So, after the successful football game, the usual group of friends went to the cafe to hang out and play some pool. "All I'm saying is going strictly off fantasy points, touchdowns are worth more than interceptions," Asher said. Spencer playfully smacked his teeth at him. "Man, come on! A pick can change the game."

"And a touchdown can win a game," Asher added looking over at Jordan.

"So you think your 5 touchdowns in the last 3 games are more important than Spencer's 5 picks?" Jordan asked him.

"Can we talk about anything other than football please?" Layla asked looking over at the only other girl there so she'd agree. Aaliyah nodded her head in agreement clutching tightly onto JJ's hand. "Yes, please?"

JJ looked down at the girl with a grin on his face, removing his hand from her hold, and caressed her face softly before giving her a small peck on the lips.

"Um, wait a minute...Did we miss something?" Layla asked watching them, while Asher and Jordan basically dropped their jaws watching the two kiss. Aaliyah shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. "We've been kissing, lately."

"Is kissing code word for really, hot, hot, se—"

Jordan quickly cut the blonde off. "Dude...That's my sister!" JJ laughed loudly not noticing the steam basically coming out from Asher's ears after hearing that. "Sorry, it was a joke. But, yeah, me and your sister are basically a thing."

Getting handed the check, Asher thought it'd be the best way to get the attention off of the two by speaking up. "Who asked for the bill?"

"I did. Well, give me your cards," Jordan demanded. JJ watched the girl pull her card and swiftly pushed her hand away and dropped his card down before she could. "Thanks," she grinned kissing his cheek. Aaliyah watched out of the corner of her eye, seeing Asher get fidgety over having to pay for his portion of the bill, along with Spencer who pulled out crumpled dollar bills. "Don't worry about it, Spence. I'll pay for you and Asher. I kind of owe him."

"What this ain't enough?" Spencer asked.

"It's fine. We have an allowance card for stuff like this," she shrugged throwing down her card. "It's no big deal."

"Well, thanks," Spencer said putting his money away. Asher looked over at the girl and smiled softly, she was the only person who knew about his situation so her covering for him meant a lot. "Thanks, Li. I got you next time...Uh, is everyone leaving? We're not going home early. My dad's out of town."

"Whoa. All weekend?" Jordan asked. Asher, watched as JJ pulled his phone out to text practically the whole school. "Who-who are you texting?"

"Uh, everyone!" JJ said while Spencer looked around cluelessly. "Yo, am I missing something?"

"Hey, listen, Asher's parties they're legendary, okay?" Jordan said.

"Um, maybe we should leave this decision of a party up to Asher?" Aaliyah suggested. Layla quickly spoke up. "Are you kidding? Asher lives for these parties, you know this better than anyone. This will be the first one since he moved to the new house. It's the best party of the year."

✯ ✯ ✯

Jordan peeked his head into his sister's room. "So, who's gonna break the news about us going over our allowance limit to dad, first?"

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