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"So, when are you gonna tell me all about your summer?" Layla asked Aaliyah as the two girls walked down the hallways at school in search of Simone. "It wasn't nearly as interesting as your summer," Aaliyah said, brushing the topic off and spotting Simone at her locker. "Look, we found her let's go," she mumbled, grabbing Layla's hand and dragging her over to the said girl.

"Hey, we still on for tonight?" Layla asked her. "Oh. That was tonight? I'm so sorry. It's just...Jordan and I planned this little date night thing," Simone explained, making Aaliyah wince. "Damn it, Simone! I have to bail, tonight, too. And I was hoping you'd be able to go to soften the blow a little," she groaned.

"I picked you up from school and you didn't bother to mention that," Layla laughed, looking over at the girl. "Honestly it's no problem. How's Jordan doing?" she asked looking over at Simone. "He's not really clicking with the new coach, so it's a lot of pressure," she responded.

"I know what you mean. Spencer is definitely feeling the pressure at Crenshaw. You know, at least year, he and Jordan had each other to talk to," Layla sighed. "Yeah. I mean, he's never gonna admit it, but he misses Spencer being around the house. I'm sure you all do. Right, Liyah?" Simone said looking at her.

"Yeah, it kind of sucks not having him around. But, I have a really bad idea that might help the both of you with your boyfriends," she hummed looking at the two girls. "Spill," Layla demanded. "Simone and Jordan have a date tonight...Maybe, that could turn into a double date with Layla and Spencer. That way they'd be forced to sit down and talk to each other. But you can't tell them, and if things go bad just blame it all on me. Jordan and Spencer are both basically my brothers. I mean, Jordan's my actual brother but, that's beside the point...If they get mad, they can take it out on me rather than their girlfriends," she explained.

"Bad idea. But, actually really great idea!" Simone exclaimed. "Hmm, maybe you can invite JJ? That way we have a buffer in between us. And so that you guys could possibly rekindle things?" Layla suggested.

"I have plans with Darnell—"

"Woah! What? I think we skipped a couple of chapters!" Layla gasped gripping onto her arm. "Okay, during the summer I spent a lot of time at Slauson cafe, and being there I always ran into Darnell he became a great friend. I also didn't have a lot of friends during the summer since everyone was out doing things and then JJ dumped me so there's that...he also kind of went to my parents when he noticed I was drinking a bit excessively. But, I promise I'm fine. I'm actually getting my thirty-day sober chip, soon," Aaliyah explained, giving the girl's a brief explanation on her summer.

"I already knew about Darnell," Simone admitted sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I wasn't there for you," Layla mumbled, pulling the girl in for a hug. "I also knew about the drinking. But, I'm joining in on the hug. I don't want to feel left out!" Simone giggled, wrapping her arms around the two.


"At least being here. I won't be forced to eat a sandwich named after Spencer James," Darnell scoffed, holding his hand out for Aaliyah as they approached the cafe. "Wait! Spencer got a sandwich named after him that's so—" she excitedly started to say before watching the expressionless look on his face. "...not cool. Sorry, D. And sorry about my dad starting Chris instead of you," she sighed.

"I just want to hang out with you. No talk about your dad or about that spot I definitely earned. Now, let's see if this place is better than Slauson," he chuckled, opening the door for her as heads turned their way, one of them being her ex-boyfriend. "Oh. So, date night is here? Aaliyah Baker are you trying to seduce me?" Darnell playfully gasped, ignoring the way JJ's eyes were burning into their sides.

"Oh, you wish I was," she scoffed. "Come on let's play pool," she hummed, skipping off to the pool table which was coincidentally right beside the foosball table where JJ, Asher, and Spencer were playing at. "What's going on here?" Spencer asked walking over to the two.

"We're playing pool," Darnell deadpanned. Spencer shook his before turning to look up at Darnell. "Look, I don't what you think you're doing here with Aaliyah but—"

"But, nothing Spencer," Aaliyah quickly cut him off holding a hand up to Darnell to stop him from talking. "Me and him are just friends. That's it. We've been hanging out since summer. This is who Chris was talking about the day before school started. So, back off."

"But, you and JJ," he continued on. "Are broken up. He's here with Vanessa on a date. He's clearly not thinking about me or my feelings. So, I'm not going to do the same," she scoffed. "He asked if you two were together. That's why I came over here," Spencer admitted, before walking back over to the foosball table.

"So, he gets to hook up with a bunch of girls over the summer and bring the new girl on a date to the cafe? But, when you bring me, someone who's just a friend. He gets upset...A little hypocritical don't you think?" Darnell asked, looking over at the girl who was leaning against the pool table and staring up at him. "I'd rather not talk about him. Let's do something else because I can feel his eyes burning into the side of my head," she grumbled, looking over at the blonde who immediately averted his eyes.

"Okay," Darnell shrugged, grabbing ahold of her face and placing his lips on hers. Aaliyah tensed up at first before eventually easing into it and kissing him back. The kiss was nice...but, she hated to admit that she felt absolutely nothing. "Was that weird? Or was that just me?" he asked pulling away from the kiss.

"Extremely weird. Why the hell did you kiss me?" she asked walking over to a table and sitting down. "Because your ex-boyfriend kept staring at us...So, I wanted to give him something to stare at. Plus, I was hoping when you asked me to hang out this could be a date but, I think we both know you're not over him. Me and you are better off as friends, anyway. Even if we did—"

"Shh! You talk too much!" she yelled, clamping a hand over his mouth and looking around the cafe for listening ears. "I totally agree, though. I felt nothing when we kissed and...I'm not ready to move on from JJ, unfortunately," she sighed, placing her chin in her hand.

"You wanna get out of here? Maybe, get some ice cream? I'll pay. Especially, since we haven't had anything to eat," he offered. "Gladly," she hummed, hopping off of the stool and feeling a tap on her shoulder, turning around and seeing Vanessa. "Can we talk?" she asked.

"Take my keys. You can wait in my car," Aaliyah told Darnell, turning around to hand her keys over to him. "You're not gonna kill her, right? Because I draw the line at murder," he whispered into her ear. "Get out!" she huffed, pushing him away.

"He's cute," Vanessa pointed out watching Darnell walk out of the cafe. "Want to date him too? I'm sure JJ would love that," Aaliyah snarked, crossing her arms across her chest and glaring at the girl. "I didn't know you and JJ dated before tonight. It was kind of hard not to piece it together once I realized his eyes stayed on you the entire time. But, that's beside the point. I'm new here and I'm sorry. I don't really want to start my senior year in some stupid beef over some boy. He asked me here and I agreed but, he's not really my type," Vanessa explained.

"Don't string him along. He doesn't deserve that," Aaliyah told her uncrossing her arms from her chest. "Sorry for being a bitch. See you later," she sighed, walking away before the girl could even utter a word.


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