"Okay Skywalker stop!" I said through laughs. He then took his hands off me and sat on the bed as I was catching my breath.

"You deserved that" He said looking at me.

"I beg to differ" I giggled back. I got up to go to the conjoined closet and grabbed my night clothes. The night tonight however was different. It was freezing. The fall season was starting to turn into winter quickly. Even in my woolen sweatshirt and sweatpants I was shivering. About an hour had passed. I was sitting in bed rolled over, Anakin on the other side as usual. He must've heard my teeth chattering.

"(Y/N) come here" He whispered rolling over to face me. My face was still turned.

"I'd rather freeze Anakin" I groaned back to him. I couldn't keep doing this to myself. I considered Anakin a close friend, but being around him was intoxicating. But I shut him out. I couldn't deal with it anymore. He did this to every girl, and quite frankly it worked I mean every girl practically melted in his presence. However I never wanted to be one of those girl's and it was slowly happening.

"I'm pretty sure you already are" I could sense impatience in him. I could tell he was smirking. And that's when I felt a strong arm grip my waist. Turning me over to face him and pulling me in close. I looked up and saw his eyes on me. I pushed my hands against his chest to get myself away from him. But this only made him grip my waist harder. He protectively pulls me into his chest.

"Anakin-" I muttered. But I was cut off with his finger pressed down to my lips. I wasn't getting out of this one. But I was finally warm. His body was radiating heat. I accepted my fate, and relaxed in his arms. His chin rested on top of my head.


"(Y/N)" I heard a husky like voice whisper. "It's time to get up". I looked up and saw Anakin staring right at me. I felt my cheeks turn red again. I had forgotten I fell asleep with him. I was still tangled in his arms.

"Well I hope you brought something nice to go to the castle today" I mumbled up up wo him. I was still groggy.

"Yeah Padme made be bring a suit" He said with a little sadness at the mention of her name. I raised an eyebrow.

"Well how fitting she gave me a dress" I winked. I then carefully got up and headed towards the closet, grabbing the item from my bag. I went over to the bathroom to get changed and do my hair. I let my hair out of the braid, leaving it in waves down my back. I then put some light make-up on. I dropped my clothes and slipped on the dress. It had a zipper but I could only get it up so far. I sighed, knowing who I had to ask.

"Anakin?" I said walking out of the bathroom. His eyes traveled all over me. He stood there in awe for a second. He was in his suit but his tie wasn't on yet. I could see his muscles peaking out through the shirt.

"Yeah princess what do you need" He wore a smirk as he said it.

I sighed reluctantly before continuing, "Can you zip me up?" I asked. His smile only grew and he nodded as he walked over. I pulled my hair over my shoulder so he could zip it. He was so close. His breath fanned my neck. I felt his cold hands as he traveled my back. He put one hand on my waist the other to the zipper. As the material closed up, his hand didn't move from my waist. I felt his lips touch my ear, "All done princess" He whispered. It made my breath hitch. I stood there, frozen. I felt his hand leave my waist. My legs felt like rock. That son of a bitch. I walked into the bathroom to get one last look at myself. I walked out to see Anakin straightening out his black suit.

"Wow you look beautifu-  I mean good" He said as his eyes traveled my body. I giggled and walked over to him. I ran my fingers over the fabric of his suit, getting out any last wrinkles and making it look perfect. I slid my hands off his shoulders in unison as he looked down and smiled at me. 

"You have a way with words Skywalker" I giggled as I met his eyes. Even in heels he was still taller than me.

"Are you making fun of my flirting techniques (Y/N)?" He asked taking a step closer. His skin was on mine.

"You mean your corny flirtatious comments?" I challenged eyeing him.

"They seem to work quite well on you" He said biting his lower lip. His eyes gazed at my lips. The butterflies in my stomach, were practically about to explode.

"Oh do they now? I think you might need to try  a little harder" I winked at him, "Now let's go we have a queen to interrogate" I said as I turned dramatically, causing the back of my dress to fly in a whimsical sort of way.


The castle steps were absolutely gorgeous. Wait, scratch that, the castle was gorgeous. It was white with marble and gold accents. If I was to ever settle down it would be here. As we neared the door I turned to Anakin.

"Are you ready sir" I smirked looking at him.

"Why of course, I think out of the both of us it's you we need to worry about" He joked. I put my hand up to my heart and gasped sarcastically. I playfully hit his arm before I hooked mine own arm around his, walking into the castle.

"I must say you look very handsome in that tux" I said looking over at him with a smile.

"So you're saying I don't look good in my robes?" He cocked his eyebrow in question.

"I guess you look pretty good in those too" I giggled. I planted a small soft kiss on his cheek. I saw his cheeks burn up. Payback. But as we neared the doors we saw a droid.

"Who are you?" It said in a monotone robot voice.

"Were here to speak with the queen" I said replying.

"As you wish" He said opening the doors. We walked down the long white and gold hallway, it took about 5 minutes before we reached the thrown room. A queen with a gold crown and white dress greeted us.

"Hello there, we weren't expecting guests today but please come in" She smiled. We walked further in. I noticed a blonde haired and blued eyed boy sit next to her. Dressed in a white tux. His messy blonde hair was kind of cute. He looked a little older than me. He wasn't as good looking as Anakin but he was a solid second.

"I am queen Alina, and this is my son, Sawyer, the prince" She gestured over to the handsome blonde. He shot us a smile and then spoke.

"You know I was not expecting company as gorgeous as you darling" He said stepping down, and grabbing my hand. He pressed a soft kiss on the back of it. I blushed and smile.

"Oh you're much to nice your majesty" I replied softly. Anakin's jealousy was practically pouring out of him. The force was good in that you could sense what other's were feeling.

"Please call me Sawyer" he smiled. I nodded and bowed my head. I didn't trust him. I should gain some intel on him.

"Now I must guess you are both hungry, I'll call for dinner. But in the meantime, let's get you both dressed in outfits more fitted for Caladan" she gestured towards the door where a few maids stood.

"Of course your majesty" Anakin said and bowed and we made our way for the door.

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