nine >>> captured

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Echoes appear around me as I run fast and slide on my knees slashing the stomachs of two members of Ice Nation

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Echoes appear around me as I run fast and slide on my knees slashing the stomachs of two members of Ice Nation. They fall and I quickly stand ducking under a sword swung soon after. But just as fast I take my leg and swing it around the persons leg sweeping it out beneath them causing them to fall back. I take their sword quickly turning swiftly. My eyes are met with a couple more guys. I tilt my head to the side and clench my jaw but hurriedly run towards them swinging both of the swords I now possessed.

One I hit and he falls immediately. The next two manage to dodge my swords causing me to turn swiftly and duck instantly but throw up both swords as both of theirs came crashing down to me. I push them off of me honestly shocked I could but continue fighting them. One of them rushed at me and I jump to the side as he runs past me and into another guy. The second guy comes towards me flicking his sword and I flick my own as the two swords clink one another. And we do this for a good several moments till I take my other sword and ram it into the persons stomach pulling it back out just as quick. A sigh escapes my lips watching the ice nation guy fall to the ground with wide eyes. I tilt my head a bit and turn finding one more person.

"Really? That's all?" I ask, tossing the sword in my right hand up a bit adjusting my hold. The Azgedian tilts his own head and a smirk inches to his lips.

"Yu might gaf in gon ai raun yourself (You might want to watch yourself)," he spike causing my brows to furrow and my jaw to clench. My lips separate ready to speak when I feel myself grabbed and thrown to the right. My body comes in contact with the wall, my arm that was damaged from one of the swords while with Aden hits first causing a yelp to escape my lips before my head hits. From there I begin to fall as my swords have dropped from my hands, but before I can fall I feel someone grab me and push me back to the wall making sure I don't fall. I go to fight back throwing a punch but immediately feel a hand grab my fist. My eyes go wide locking eyes with some ice nationian and before I can react their head flies forward hitting me in the head causing immediate black spots to form. And it doesn't stop there as punch after punch begins to my face and my stomach and ribs. Yelps escape my lips anytime he punches the spot where I was shot but soon it all became numb. Every inch, every ounce of my body became numb.

"Pleni. She gaf in em alive (Enough. She wants her alive," one of them speaks causing the guy punching me, beating me to stop and let my body fall to the ground. I close my eyes squeezing them together tightly feeling my body ache.

"Ba chomouda? Ai thought Oso were gon frag op em (But why? I thought we were to kill her)," the other one spoke flipping me over onto my back and grabbing a hold of my hands, beginning to put a pair of chains on them. And I just let him, feeling blood run down my nose and my lip.

"Oso dula op as told. Nau kom op ona (We do as told. Now come on)." The one putting chains on me nods and grabs a hold of me picking me up as the other one comes over. Each of them stand on either side of me and grab a hold of my arms beginning to drag me through the halls.

𝒮𝒶𝓎 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒲𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝐿𝑒𝓉 𝒢𝑜 {𝒶 𝐿𝑒𝓍𝒶 𝓍 𝒴𝑜𝓊}Where stories live. Discover now