Chapter 5

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"He called us a WHAT?!?!" 

"You heard me right. He called us a 'pseudo-family.'", John said, rubbing his ears. His ears certainly didn't like it when people with certain vocal types raised their voices or spoke in just a certain way that made 'em ache. 

Lola looked as pink as a flamingo from blushing. 

"I mean, it IS a very nice thought.", commented John, a small, warm smile on his face. 

"I know that, but it's still kinda embarrassing.", came the reply from the still flustered Lola, though she appeared to be getting over it. 

If they had been paying attention, they would've noticed Bobby and Mary Sue looking at each other with hopeful looks. 

"Well with that said, lets get back under way, shall we?", John asked, wanting to get home now too. 

"Yeah. Lets do that.", Lola responded, blush nearly gone. 

With that, John turned the key, the engine came to life, and they hit the road again, this time, heading towards John's house. The song that came on once they hit the road had John visibly worked up as he sung it, and his voice began cracking with emotion so much, that he relented on singing bass and sung with his normal voice. 

At the second verse, John had tears rolling down his face and he had pulled the car over to the side of the road. Lola was rubbing his back in an effort to comfort him, knowing what it was that he was crying over. Bobby and Mary Sue, however, didn't know what it was that John was crying over, but they nonetheless joined Lola in comforting John. Then came the second part of the second verse, and you could hear John trying to sing bass again, and trying to steel his voice, as if he was proclaiming victory after a long and hard-fought battle. Come the end of the song, he was singing bass again with a power in his voice that truly said, "The old man is dead, and he's not coming back." 

The next song came on, and that aforementioned power in John's voice increased itself throughout the song. 

After the song was over, John pressed the pause button, wiped his tears away, sniffled, and straightened himself back up. He then began to speak, and that power in his voice remained. 

"Man I just love it when the Lord reminds you how far you've come in life, and has you go through a spell. And thank you three for putting up with me having that spell. May God bless y'all for it. I honestly needed to have that spell. Having them every now and again helps keep me humble." 

"Amen to that John.", Lola responded. 

John looked back at the two siblings and noticed the curious looks on their faces. 

"Y'all have no idea why I had that spell, do ya?" 

They shook their heads no. 

"Well I'll tell y'all the reason when we get to my place. Deal?" 


"Well lets shake on it to make it an official deal.", John stated, sticking both his hands out so he and the children could do as he said. 

Bobby and Mary looked at each other and then to John, and then took his hands, and began shaking. John then grew a mischievous grin, and began shaking their hands faster and faster, before letting go and tickling them both, causing the two to start laughing uncontrollably, and causing Lola to laugh at how funny the whole scene was. After about a minute, John relented and turned back around in his seat. 

"Now that we've had some fun, how about we start heading back to my place again so we can REALLY have some fun?" 

"YEAH!!!!", came the shout of agreement from the other three. 

"Well then lets not use up any more time." 

With that, John shifted into gear, and off they went.

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